Yesterday, the New
Yorker quoted a mystified former adviser to Mitt Romney wondering aloud why
nobody in the GOP has really taken a bare-knuckles approach to challenging
Donald Trump. [Keep
2014, California State Senator Leland Yee (D) was arrested on corruption charges
after he attempted to make a deal with an undercover agent to purchase
shoulder-fired missiles from Islamic rebels in the Philippines. [Keep
York Congressman Charlie Rangel, who has been in public service for almost a
half a century, is set to retire after his current term expires in 2017. [Keep
you’re a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, you might be a little annoyed at the
fact that your candidate trounced Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire by
double-digits, but left the contest with more delegates. [Keep
For years President
Obama and the progressives who support him have classified the prison at
Guantanamo Bay, where the United States has housed the world's most dangerous
terrorists and enemy combatants for nearly two decades, as a medieval dungeon
rife with human rights violations and horrifying conditions. [Keep
In a new poll
released on Wednesday, Donald Trump holds another massive lead over Marco Rubio
and Ted Cruz. In the State of Alabama, Donald Trump polls at 36 percent while
Rubio and Cruz come in at 19 and 12 respectively. [Keep
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