Sunday, February 28, 2016

Hillary Is A Bad Campaigner. So Why Is She Connecting With Black Voters–And Not Sanders? Matt Vespa

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It was recently discovered that China uses a secret account to orchestrate large financial transactions. Recent transactions within this secret account are very disturbing. In fact, renowned financial expert and bestselling author, Peter Schiff, believes that China's actions could tip America into chaos and anarchy. "Armageddon is inevitable," says Peter. VIEW PETER SCHIFF'S WARNING ON CHINA.
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It was recently discovered that China uses a secret account to orchestrate large financial transactions. Recent transactions within this secret account are very disturbing. In fact, renowned financial expert and bestselling author, Peter Schiff, believes that China's actions could tip America into chaos and anarchy. "Armageddon is inevitable," says Peter. VIEW PETER SCHIFF'S WARNING ON CHINA.
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Matt Vespa
Hillary Is A Bad Campaigner. So Why Is She Connecting With Black Voters–And Not Sanders?
Matt Vespa
Matt Vespa
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A two-year investigation just exposed President Obama as the mastermind behind a massive government cover-up. The intent? To keep Americans in the dark about the country's desperate financial condition. Well, renowned financial expert and bestselling author, Peter Schiff, fears that the cover-up runs even deeper. In an exclusive interview with Wall Street Daily, Schiff warns that America has been pushed to the brink. Click here to begin preparing for the imminent fallout.
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