Saturday, February 27, 2016

Carl would like you to support Publish My Book-In This Mans Heart

Carl would like you to support
Publish My Book-In This Mans Heart
by making a donation and helping spread the word.
Hello, My name is Carl.

I am A Christian Writer & Free Form Poetic Writer. I specialize in End Time Prophecy Free Form Verse. I feel firmly that when I write I am directed by The Holy Spirit within me. Often after I have written a Poem I look over it and I find I am amazed what I have written. I do not remember writing it and look at it thinking to myself, I wrote this?

I am trying to raise money so I can self publish my book know out on CD-Format. Which to be honest is not doing to well at all.  Tate publishing is interested in doing it but the cost will be about $6-$800.00. I also have a second CD Book which I would like to publish also but need to take any funds I would hope to make on the first book to publish the second book.

I was on disability due to a broken back. I turned 62 in May and am now on Medicare. I suffer from chronic pain and cannot always pay for pain medication and treatment. What ever monies I can make from either books will be used to help pay for pain medications.
When I was younger I herd the term "living on a fixed income". Never fully understood the extent of the meaning. When I first broke my back and lost my job, then my home, car, had to cash in my life insurance, 401k and use all my saving to pay for Cobra and the like .it was a very devastating thing. But if not for the Grace of God. I would have not recovered to the point of writing and creating my thought of Glory & Praise.
Carl Coglianese
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