Friday, February 26, 2016

Ben Carson Gives Obama a Dose Of His Own Race Card Medicine… Liberals Are Howling

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Ben Carson Gives Obama a Dose Of His Own Race Card Medicine… Liberals Are Howling
On the day of the South Carolina primary election, retired neurosurgeon and presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson sat down for a wide-ranging interview with Glenn Thrush of Politico. Of the many topics that were discussed, race was the preeminent issue, most notably his own and that of President Barack Obama. Carson noted that he shared...
Must Reads
BREAKING: Rubio Announces Whether He’ll Join Forces With Cruz To Take Trump Down
Presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s considerable victory in the Nevada caucus this week has many people thinking rivals Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio need to rethink their strategies -- specifically that they need to form a consolidated front to take down the current front-runner. But yesterday, Rubio said he has decided against any kind...
VIDEO: You Won’t Believe What This Muslim Man Just Yelled At Trump During Rally
Billionaire businessman Donald Trump may not have many Muslim fans, but the ones he has are very, very loyal. Take Elhamy Ibrahim, who recently met the candidate during a rally in South Carolina. “I’m a Muslim and I’m with you all the way,” Ibrahim yelled to Trump. “I love you, and you’re the next president.” Trump made...
North Korea Just Issued Massive Threat To USA If Obama Does THIS
Most likely in response to recent provocative actions by North Korea, the United States and South Korea are making preparations for their largest ever annual joint military exercise, set to take place in March. An estimated 300,000 troops will take part in the exercise, which will include the use of special operations forces and will...
Woman Helps Homeless Middle Eastern Woman At Walmart… Then Feels Something Warm
On her way to Walmart, Jhazmhon Williams Lee noticed a family begging for money and decided to help them out. She said on her Facebook post (which has apparently since been deleted) that after giving the mother $10, she felt an overwhelming feeling of warmth toward the Middle Eastern family, who appeared to be in...

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