Friday, February 26, 2016

Commentary: To Stop Trump, A Rubio/Kasich Ticket, and Justice Cruz

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Commentary: To Stop Trump, A Rubio/Kasich Ticket, and Justice Cruz
Guy Benson
It is with no small measure of trepidation and hesitation that I wade into these waters, but I feel as though I must. Much is at stake, and time is running perilously short to affect needed change -- so I ask you to hear me out, even if you're inclined to disagree.
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Rumor Mill: If Cruz Does Poorly On Super Tuesday, Expect Defections To Rubio
Matt Vespa
Shocker: Bernie Sanders' Health Care Plan Is A 'Train Wreck' For The Poor
Matt Vespa
Here's Marco Rubio Reading Mean Tweets From Trump
Christine Rousselle
Polling Firm Asks If Ted Cruz Is the Zodiac Killer
Christine Rousselle
Sharpton Says He May Flee US If Trump Becomes President
Leah Barkoukis
Ben Shapiro Speaks at CSULA; Interrupted by Protests, Fire Alarm
Christine Rousselle
Another Host of The View Threatens to Leave America If A Republican Wins
Christine Rousselle
Back in January, The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg mused the idea of leaving the United States if Donald Trump were elected president. Now, it seems as though she'll have a travel buddy.
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Analysis: Rubio, Cruz Tag-Team Trump With Ridicule, Attacks
Guy Benson
HOUSTON, TEXAS - Quick reactions to tonight's CNN/Salem Radio Network Republican debate, the final one before 565 bound delegates are allocated in Super Tuesday's nominating contests.
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Cruz, Rubio Start Clawing Trump Less Than Thirty Minutes Into The Debate
Matt Vespa
It didn’t take long for Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) to start attacking Donald Trump.
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Trump Takes Cheap Shot at Hugh Hewitt Over Tax Return Question
Leah Barkoukis
Donald Trump’s tax returns have been the subject of much inquiry lately, with many wondering whether he’s got something to hide by not having released them.
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Here's Marco Rubio With an Epic Burn On Trump Hiring Illegal Immigrants
Christine Rousselle
On Thursday night's CNN debate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio hit frontrunner Donald Trump on his past use of illegal immigrants to build the Trump Towers.
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Ted Cruz Hits Donald Trump for Reality TV Background
Christine Rousselle
Near the beginning of Thursday night's Republican debate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) commented that while he was fighting against the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill, Donald Trump was too busy on "Celebrity Apprentice."
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ROUNDUP: Cruz, Rubio Rip Into Trump, As Hillary's Poised To Outright Destroy Sanders Tomorrow
Matt Vespa
It took ten debates, but anti-Trump Republicans finally have something to cheer about, as Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz tore into the billionaire less than 30 minutes into CNN’s debate last night.
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NJ Gov. Christie Endorses Donald Trump
Matt Vespa
At a press conference in Fort Worth, Texas, former 2016 candidate and current New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Trump for president.
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