Friday, February 26, 2016

Victory Speech, Trump Three-Peats, Bad Beat for Rubio and Cruz in Vegas

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Victory Speech, Trump Three-Peats, Bad Beat for Rubio and Cruz in Vegas
Justin Holcomb
It is safe to say that Donald Trump completely dominated the state of Nevada Tuesday night in every conceivable way.
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Nevada Final Results
Christine Rousselle
Matt Schlapp On Marco Rubio: It's a Long Process Trying to Get to a Yes or a No
Justin Holcomb
SCOTUS Watch: White House Reportedly Vetting Nevada GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval
Matt Vespa
Loretta Lynch Confirms: It Is Illegal to Transfer GITMO Detainees to the United States
Katie Pavlich
Clinton Gets Second Chance to Answer Whether She's a Liar: 'I'll Just Say No!'
Leah Barkoukis
Trump Scores First Congressional Endorsements
Christine Rousselle
Sen. Harry Reid Endorses Hillary Clinton
Christine Rousselle
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, it was announced today.
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Despite DNC Claims, Crowds For Rubio Were Diverse in South Carolina
Stephen Self
Democrats would prefer to paint the Republican party with a single brush, but that's not always the reality on the ground.
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Perry Cleared In Weak Sauce, Abuse-Of-Power Case
Matt Vespa
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry scored a tremendous legal victory today. The state’s highest criminal court dismissed the final charge against him, which was part of a ludicrous abuse of power case.
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Record Turnout Last Night in Nevada
Christine Rousselle
As I predicted in my post yesterday afternoon, the Nevada caucuses had record-setting turnout last night with over 75,000 people appearing at their caucus site to vote.
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Hillary Clinton: I'll Release My Wall Street Speech Transcripts...When Everybody Else Does
Katie Pavlich
Tuesday night during a televised town hall meeting hosted by CNN, Democrat Frontrunner Hillary Clinton doubled down on her refusal to release transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street.
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Caucus Chaos: Reports of Shenanigans in Nevada
Christine Rousselle
Early reports from the Nevada caucus indicate that the locations are "very crowded" and somewhat disorganized, with basic caucus procedures being ignored.
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Wave of Mutilation: Trump Drowns Competition In Nevada, Poised To Deliver More Punishment On Super Tuesday
Matt Vespa
The pundits, bloggers, and beltway crew who prophesized the Donald’s demise are sure eating it after the billionaire magnate had a tremendous night with caucus-goers in the Silver State.
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Federal Judge: Yes, Hillary's Staffers Should Be Questioned Under Oath About Evading Freedom of Information Laws
Katie Pavlich
As former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email scandal and ongoing pressure from the FBI continue, her closest aides are also coming under heavy scrutiny.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Starving on the Prosciutto-and-Brie Poverty Diet
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Joy and Bad Law
John Stossel
John Stossel
The Matrix of Progressive Socialism
Allen West
Allen West
Gullible Americans
Walter E. Williams
Walter E. Williams
The Never-Ending Obama Valentine
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
A Rubio-Cruz Ticket Might Be the Only Way to Stop Trump
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Obama’s Insidious Assault on Guns Continues
Bob Barr
Bob Barr
Obama's Cuba Trip is a Reward to Dictators
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Guns & Ammo Editor Nearly Shoots Himself Proving That Serpa Holsters Suck | Bob Owens
Sandy Hook Lawyer: American People Are “Notoriously Incompetent” | Bob Owens
WRONG GUY: Armed Robber Shot To Death After Targeting Concealed Carrier | Bob Owens
The Couple That Trains Together, Stays Together | Jenn Jacques
Shooting of “Deeply Beloved” Rapist Angers Seattle NAACP | Bob Owens
Political News
Clock is ticking as Rubio looks to pick up Bush donors | AP News
White House considers Nevada Gov. Sandoval for Supreme Court | AP News
Heavy snow, strong winds whip through Midwest | AP News
New US Capitol Police chief has been with agency 3 decades | AP News
Austria, Balkan nations, want full stop to migrant influx | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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