Saturday, February 27, 2016

Veteran Groups Still Waiting for the $6M Raised by Trump


Veteran Groups Still Waiting for the $6M Raised by Trump

Dan Gilmore · Feb. 26, 2016
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Something isn’t adding up. Donald Trump skipped out of a January GOP debate to raise funds to benefit veterans groups. The Trump campaign crowed that the event — an event Trump said hedidn’t want to be at — raised approximately $5 million. Trump then said he threw in $1 million of his own money for good measure. “Our veterans have been treated like third-class citizens and it is my great honor to support them with this $1 million dollar [sic] contribution,” Trump said. At the time, some of the charities working with veterans thought they were being used by Trump to score a political point.
They might be right. The Weekly Standard’s Michael Warren tracked down the 22 charities Trump said would benefit from the $6 million raised. Did they receive a donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation? Of the nine that got back to Warren, only five said they received a check from the politician. All the checks were for the same amount: $100,000. If Trump cut the same-sized check to each charity, then it means there is $3.8 million unaccounted for. The Fisher House Foundation was one of the charities Trump listed as one of the recipients of the $6 million. Spokeswoman of the foundation Kerri Childress told the Standard the charity didn’t know beforehand that Trump wanted to donate to it. It was never contacted. “We found out like everybody else did, when the Trump Foundation put the list up on the website,” Childress said. “And frankly we haven’t heard anything since.”
Recently, the Donald J Trump Foundation has changed its views toward veterans groups, public records show. Sure, it’s giving out hundreds of thousands of dollars to veterans groups these days, but from 2009 to 2013, it only gave $57,000 to veterans. During the same period, though, Trump’s charity gave between $100,000 to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Go figure.

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