Friday, February 26, 2016

PHOTO: Look At The Bizarre Thing In Background During Obama’s Gitmo Speech
BREAKING: Dem Leader Harry Reid Just Made His 2016 Presidential Endorsement
Top Democrat Harry Reid just issued a HUGE announcement about the 2016 race... this is going to anger many. Read more...
PHOTO: Look At The Bizarre Thing In Background During Obama’s Gitmo Speech
During Barack Obama's speech on closing Guantanamo Bay, many were confused by the bizarre thing in the background during his address... now, many are wondering if he's trying to send a message.If he is, this is beyond sick... it proves the kind of values that Obama celebrates. Read more...
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Huckabee Just Revealed The One And ONLY Way Trump Won't Be President
It looks like Donald Trump is going to be the GOP nominee for president, but Mike Huckabee just pointed out the one thing that could keep that from happening...Do you agree with Mike Huckabee? Read more...
Harvard Professor Devises NASTY Plan For Dems To Take Trump Out Of The Race
This Harvard professor isn't terribly thrilled with the democratic process... she's devised a NASTY plan for Democrats to take Donald J. Trump's campaign out of the running.Do you think this will stop Trump? Read more...
A Music Legend And Hall Of Famer Just Died- ‘One Of Country Music’s Greatest…’
Country music lovers will be devastated by this unexpected news... Read more...
Latest Celebrity Trump Endorsement Brings Serious Horsepower To The Campaign
Donald J. Trump has picked up yet another celebrity endorsement... and this one brings some SERIOUS horsepower to the table.With this kind of power behind him, can anyone stop The Donald? Read more...
Listen: Ben Carson Just Pulled The ‘Race Card’ On Obama With 2 Words – Immediately Ignites Firestorm
Wow. Ben Carson has started a massive controversy with what he just said about Obama's background. The PC crowd is FREAKING OUT...Do you agree with Ben Carson? Read more...
Woman Helps Homeless Middle Eastern Woman At Walmart… Then Feels Something Warm
This woman was pulling into a Walmart when she saw a Middle Eastern woman who was homeless. She helped out her and her family... that's when she felt something warm...This is an unbelievable story. Read more...
Listen: Hot Mic Catches Trump’s Off-Air Conversation With MSNBC, People Instantly Notice This 1 Thing
Donald Trump's supporters love his ability to manipulate the liberal media, but with this leaked audio, some of his supporters are in for a BIG surprise. Trump didn't know he was being recorded...Do you still support Donald Trump? Read more...
SCOTUS Justice Smacks Obama HARD With Inconvenient Truth About Scalia Vacancy
Barack Obama has some interesting ideas about how the Constitution works in terms of when a justice dies... however, one of the justices on the court just set him straight.He unleashed on Obama HARD with a very inconvenient truth about just what Scalia's vacancy means for the nation's top court... you can bet Democrats are FURIOUS. Read more...
Glenn Beck Gives Live On-Air Speech For Cruz, Then The LAST Thing He Ever Expected Walks In
Glenn Beck was in the middle of giving a speech for Ted Cruz, then all of a sudden, the event was CRASHED by the most unexpected person imaginable. Beck NEVER thought this would happen... WOW. Read more...
Law Enforcement Union President Says This GOP Candidate Treats Police “Like Trash”
The president of one of the biggest law enforcement unions says this GOP candidate treats police "like trash." This isn't who you might think, and the revelations are absolutely stunning.Will this accusation hurt this Republican candidate? Read more...

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