Monday, February 29, 2016

The Yehudim had light and gladness, and joy and honour. ESTHER (8:16) (The Israel Bible™)

Preparations for Purim and Passover underway | 19 Adar I 5776
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The Yehudim had light and gladness, and joy
and honour.


לַיְּהוּדִים הָיְתָה אוֹרָה וְשִׂמְחָה וְשָׂשֹׂן וִיקָר

אסתר ח:טז

la-y'-hu-deem hai-ta o-ra v'-sim-kha v'-sa-son vee-kar

Jerusalem Inspiration

In many ways, today’s verse is the climax of the Scroll of Esther, coming after Mordechai has just been paraded through the streets of Shushan by the wicked Haman, in a swift and stunning role reversal. A central feature of Purim is God’s ability to turn around our fate and fortune instantaneously. The existence of the State of Israel is a modern miracle that exemplifies how swiftly God can orcehestrate events to turn 180 degrees, and change the course of history.  Get ready to celebrate the miracles of the past and present by purchasing your holiday products from the Israel365 store.

Video Contest of Israel Inspiration

There are so many reasons that Israel is an inspiration to us all.  Check out a sampling of home made videos competing for the title of 'most inspiring'.

Ancient Find in Solomon's Mines

A Timna excavation team from Tel Aviv University has uncovered an extensive fabric collection of diverse color, design and origin.

"Of Milk and Honey" - A workbook on Israel and the Bible

A delightful introductory learning aid about the Bible and the Land of Israel which includes modules like word games, fill in the blanks, crossword puzzles, map reading, stories and secret codes to decypher. Sketched images enhance the learning experience. This fun and educational workbook will expand one’s knowledge of the Bible and Judaism. Paperback, 52 pages

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Playing a song on the streets of Jerusalem, by Daniel Santacruz. So many ways to gladden the heart in the holy city.

Thank You

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  I enjoy my Jerusalem365 very much and look forward to the e-mail daily.
-Carol,South Africa

Hello, I am Pastor Alex Mkula... I am so impressed by your encouraging pictures of the Holy Land.

Its been a blessing to receive photographs and stories from Israel. God bless Israel...Charles, Papua New Guinea
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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