There are less
than FOUR days until Super Tuesday votes are cast.
And I'm still
$584,900 short for my SUPER TUESDAY VICTORY FUND.
I'm personally
writing you today because it's more critical than ever that I have your
immediate support.
Let me explain: I am the
only candidate who's got a proven track record to contrast and prosecute the
case against Hillary and her left-wing ideology.
Donald Trump can't prosecute the
political case against Hillary Clinton because he has long supported the same
policies on which she has based her campaign.
That's why
-- in a one-on-one general election matchup -- Donald Trump doesn't stand a
chance at defeating Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump can't take on
Hillary because he is just like her -- a liberal New York elitist who
supports the same policy priorities -- Obamacare, funding for Planned
Parenthood, and Wall Street bailouts.
Friend the truth is, we can't risk
another four years of failed Obama policies by nominating someone who would lose
to Hillary Clinton in November.
Here's the good news: I'm leading all
Republicans in Arkansas and Texas, and we are within striking distance of Trump
(and ahead of the other candidates) in five more key March 1st, Super Tuesday
states -- Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.
That's why I need you to choose me:
I know it's a lot to ask
for...but I also know it's the only way.
We can only win this by
standing together.
Between Donald Trump, the liberal media, and the
Washington Cartel, there is not one moment when two or all three are not
savagely attacking me -- and by extension of our shared conservative values --
understand that money is tight and that you can't make up the whole shortfall,
but can I count on you to make a special, one-time donation of $50, $35, or even
The sacrifices I'm making for our campaign are steep,
and I'm proud and even honored to be making them on your behalf.
I need you to make sure that our hard work and the hard work of
all our dedicated volunteers is not wasted on March 1st.
 Ted Cruz