Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Carson Issues Stern Warning About America’s Future… “Tremendous Carnage And Death”

Carson Issues Stern Warning About America’s Future… “Tremendous Carnage And Death”

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Speaking on “Fox & Friends” Monday, retired neurosurgeon and former 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson warned that “tremendous carnage and death” lie in store for America if it refuses to change its ways.
“America, right now, is like a cruise ship that is about to go off of Niagara Falls with tremendous carnage and death,” he said, according to The Hill. “What you have to do first is recognize the problem, stop the ship, turn it around and then move in the other direction.”
According to Carson, the person destined to bring this change was presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, who remains the only option left to pull this country away from cultural Marxism and direct it back toward prosperity and success.
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But if the “Never Trump” stooges throw a third-party candidate into the election, Trump could conceivably lose to Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton — and then all would be lost.

“I’m hoping that whoever that third-party candidate is will stop for a moment and think about what the implications are of allowing Hillary Clinton or someone like her to get in there,” he continued.
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He added, “They get two to four Supreme Court picks and completely change the nature of this country and destroy the prospects for their children and their grandchildren to have the same opportunities that they had.”
The implications of a Clinton presidency would be disastrous. President Barack Obama’s policies would be permitted to continue, meaning the country would further tumble down the road of culture decay and economic stagnation.
Change is desperately needed, and while Trump might not be the perfect vessel for that change, he is the man who has been chosen by the GOP base, and this is something that every Trump hater in the Republican Party needs to recognize.
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