Dems Go Wild When Speaker Shouts She 'Had an Abortion!'
What this crowd cheers for tells you everything you need to know about the party.
You can tell a lot about the Democratic Party based on what their delegates cheer over, boo over, and remain silent over.
For instance -- and we're not sure if anyone else picked up on this -- but during his Tuesday evening speech, Bill Clinton mentioned that years ago his wife enlisted the help of an Israeli educator to craft a learning program for folks in rural Arkansas. Upon mentioning the word "Israel/Israeli" twice, the crowd was deafeningly silent (the crowd had cheered for mentions of different states, peoples and cultures prior to and after that moment). A couple of singular claps broke out, but faded as soon as whoever was doing the clapping realized that applauding Israel is verboten at the DNC. Likewise, when Bill Clinton talked about standing with police officers, the applauds were more than restrained.
Consider also what happened Wednesday, when Joe Biden took to the stage in a last-ditch effort to win back white, working and middle class males. America's "zany uncle" whipped the crowd into an absolute frenzy with not much more than a quip about how Donald Trump's comments about the middle class are "a bunch of Malarkey."
It's a low bar, we know.
The crowd likewise went wild when earlier that day National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL) president Ilyse Hogue took to the stage, shouting about how she "had an abortion!"
The crowd cheered wildly, as if she'd just announced that she found a cure for cancer, or successfully colonized Mars, or single-handedly saved dozens of children from a burning building.
Because Democrats don't hide their true selves. Watch above.