Father Traveling to Rescue Son Defecting from ISIS Killed in Istanbul Blast
"He went there to bring him back."
A father who had traveled to Istanbul to rescue his son who had just left ISIS' ranks was killed when Islamic State members exploded suicide vests inside the Ataturk Airport on Tuesday.
A New York Times story, picked up by Mic, detailed the story of Fathi Bayoudh and his attempt to find his son, Anouar. Anouar had told his parents that he was taking an internship in Switzerland when actually, he had become radicalized and was heading to join ISIS's ranks in Turkey and Iraq. But after three months, he had had enough and called his father for help.
The Tunisian Embassy told the family that Anouar had turned himself over to authorities. But after several weeks of searching, the father still didn't know his son's whereabouts. It was then he asked his wife to come meet him at the Istanbul airport to continue their search but was killed in the ISIS attack.
A friend of the family told NYT, "He loved his son so much… he would have done anything for him. He went there to bring him back."