Friday, July 1, 2016

Video: Americans Don't Know Why We Celebrate 4th of July, Think Jesse Ventura a Founding Father And Jeremiah.

Video: Americans Don't Know Why We Celebrate 4th of July, Think Jesse Ventura a Founding Father

And Jeremiah.

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Here's a grim send-off into our 4th of July weekend. 
Mark Dice, famous for his "gotcha" videos, recently conducted man-on-the-street interviews in San Diego, asking everyday Americans basic questions about their country's history. Among the questions Dice posed to passersby were: "name a favorite founding father" and "which country did we declare our independence from?" 
The responses were disheartening, to say the least.  
Most of those interviewed did not correct Dice when he facetiously said that America declared its independence "from China" and that former WWF wrestler and Minnesota governor, Jesse "The Body" Ventura was a founding father. 
When asked who his favorite founding father was, one passerby said simply, "Jeremiah."
At the end of the video, thankfully two interview subjects did get the answers correct, one even reciting the preamble of the U.S. Constitution.
Gotcha-style videos can of course be edited to make anyone look bad, but given that enough people interviewed answered these very basic questions incorrectly, we felt it worth sharing -- because the truth is these folks do exist. And worst of all, they vote. 

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