Thursday, August 27, 2015

VIDEO: MSNBC: Poll Shows 'Liar' Most Common Word That Comes to Mind When Voters Think of Hillary

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  Must Reads  
Hillary: My Republican Opponents Treat Women Just Like Terrorists Do
Katie Pavlich
During a campaign event Thursday afternoon in Ohio, Hillary Clinton compared her Republican presidential opponents to terrorists by saying they essentially treat women the same way.
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By the Way, Obamacare is Still Raising Costs and Breaking Promises
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James Holmes Given 12 Life Sentences, Plus 3,318 Years In Prison
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The Truth About Guns in Virginia
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Wal-Mart Takes AR-15s Off The Shelves
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Bill Clinton Reportedly Upset Biden Might Crush His Dreams of Reoccupying The White House
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Vester Flanagan’s Suicide Note Says Charleston Church Shooting Sent Him ‘Over The Top’
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VIDEO: MSNBC: Poll Shows 'Liar' Most Common Word That Comes to Mind When Voters Think of Hillary
A new MSNBC poll shows that the most common word when voters think of Hillary Clinton is "liar."
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An Open Letter To Donald Trump
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Like millions of Americans, I am intrigued with your meteoric rise to the top of the polls.
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VIDEO: Community Mourns Loss Of TV Crew Murdered On-Air In Virginia
Residents in Roanoke, Virginia continue to mourn the loss of two young journalists who were shot and killed during a live interview by a former coworker.
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His Own Worst Enemy
Derek Hunter
On paper, Donald Trump offers a lot as a candidate. Hes able to command a room, he is decisive, confident, unapologetic for what he believes, doesnt need to kiss rings and make promises to raise money, and he stands up to an activist media.
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VIDEO: Josh Duggar Checks Into Rehab After Latest Scandal
Days after he confessed to cheating on his wife and an addiction to pornography, Josh Duggar has entered rehab.
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Why Conservatives Must Re-frame Health Care Debate for Young Americans
Justin Haskins
Since 2014, when most health insurance requirements established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) were fully implemented, the cost of health insurance has increased for every significant demographic.
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New National Poll: Trump Dominating GOP Field, But is Weakest in General Election
Guy Benson
I spent the morning tweeting about the brand new national Quinnipiac poll of registered voters. Here's a summary of its findings, starting with Hillary Clinton.
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Black Pastors Demand Removal of Planned Parenthood Founder’s Bust from Smithsonian Museum
Cortney O'Brien
“National Portrait Gallery, you must remove the bust!” declared Bishop E.W. Jackson Thursday morning in front of D.C.’s Smithsonian museum.
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Majority of Uninsured Have No Idea Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Approaching
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Call Me 'Ze,' not 'He': University Wants Everyone to Use 'Gender Inclusive' Pronouns
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Call Me 'Ze,' Not 'He': University Wants Everyone To Use 'Gender Inclusive' Pronouns
Todd Starnes
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The Modern Malleability of Gender and Race
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Letter to a Friend: 'Harsh Immigration' Is Not Why Latinos Hate Republicans
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What If Hillary Clinton Doesn't Care?
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Trump, Cruz to hold joint event to blast Iran deal | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
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