Thursday, October 1, 2015

Will Christians Survive the False Prophet, the UN, Common Core and Chrislam?

Religion News Weekly Featured

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Will Christians Survive the False Prophet, the UN, Common Core and Chrislam?

CONTRIBUTOR: . The leader of “Chrislam”, Pope Francis. Even if I were to overlook the obvious hypocrisy of the Pope in his repeated messages which were very thinly veiled propaganda for globalist initiatives, there are some very disturbing things about this particular Pope that I cannot come to grips with as a...

Baphomet At Pope´s Festival Of Families (2015) CONTRIBUTOR: . Baphomet (/ˈbæfɵmɛt/; from Medieval Latin Baphometh, Baffometi, Oc... is a term originally used to describe an idol or other deity that the Knights Templar were accused of worshiping, and that subsequently was incorporated into disparate occult and mystical traditions. It appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial...

The Shemitah Did Happen- Stock Markets of the 10 Largest Economies Have Crashed CONTRIBUTOR: . The key dates of the Shemitah on September 13 an 23 led everyone to expect a single stock market crash on one of those days. When that didn’t happen, people said that the Shemitah was just another false prediction. Not true. Jonathan Cahn, author of “The Shemitah” stated that the...


CONTRIBUTOR: . THE FALLACIOUS LAWS INTERTWINED WITH GOD’S TRUE BIBLICAL TEACHINGS IS THE FOUNDATION OF ALL THE EVIL HAPPENING IN THE WORLD TODAY In this Bible revelation of Teacher Eraño Martin Evangelista, we will discover that not all that was written in the Holy Bible were the words of the one true...

A Living Christ Speaks: How to live Free in an Unfree World!

CONTRIBUTOR: . A Living Christ Speaks: How to live Free in an Unfree World! Raymond Ronald Karczewski© — A Living Christ It is time for all to awaken to the Fraud which has been perpetrated upon you by Satanic government, religions, banks, and corporations who make the rules and...

Here's what Archbishop Kurtz thought about Pope Francis' visit CONTRIBUTOR: . Philadelphia, Pa., Sep 30, 2015 / 06:41 am (CNA/EWTN News).- For Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, hearing the words of Pope Francis is like being taken back in time to when he first experienced his “original call” to serve the Church through the priesthood. “When I hear our Holy Father...

Two Living Christs have a Spiritual Dialogue!

CONTRIBUTOR: . Two Living Christs have a Spiritual Dialogue! Sandy Wallace wrote: Raymond Karczewski wrote: sw: > I came across your youtube videos yesterday and I'm fairly certain I have listened to them all now. I know from personal experience that you speak the truth. rk: welcome Sandy. to my site....

Pope Francis reportedly met with Kim Davis, offered support CONTRIBUTOR: . Washington D.C., Sep 30, 2015 / 08:47 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Embattled county clerk Kim Davis met with Pope Francis in Washington, D.C. last Thursday, her lawyer has told multiple media outlets. When asked about the meeting, the head of the Hole See press office, Fr Federico Lombardi, would not comment...

What meeting Pope Francis was like for elementary students in Harlem CONTRIBUTOR: . New York City, N.Y., Sep 30, 2015 / 03:05 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Students and community members in East Harlem were moved, sometimes to tears, by Pope Francis’ words and example during his visit to the New York neighborhood. “It was mindblowing and at the same time very shocking,” Aaron Diaz,...

The Branches of the Fig Tree - Who or What is a Jew Part 2

CONTRIBUTOR: . 671 THE BRANCHES OF THE FIG TREE - Who Is a Jew – Part 2 This article may be read adware free at the following link: The Branches of the Fig Tree As previously reported in the article, Who or What is a Jew? , Jesus the Christ...

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