Monday, August 3, 2015

How Jezebel Killed One of the Greatest Revivals Ever

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Monday, August 3, 2015
How Jezebel Killed One of the Greatest Revivals Ever
Evan Roberts, a young man God used to set a nation on fire for God The revival finally fizzled out when the spirit of Jezebel seduced and deceived the revivalist in the prime of his anointing.
Evangelism & Missions
Pedro and his family. Pedro was a Satanist before he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Satanist Bows to Jesus, Gets Filled With the Holy Spirit and Preaches the Gospel
"That healing I had as a child was Satan's hold on my life."
Are you equipped to mend wounded souls?
8:00AM EDT 7/30/2015
The Holy Spirit is on the move.
Why the Intercessors Are Under Such Strong Attack
This vision explains a lot for many people. Read it for yourself.
Spiritual Warfare
Bishop Ron Webb
Discerning the Spirit of Absalom in Your Midst
Bishop Ron Webb identifies an aspect of spiritual warfare that targets leaders. Could it be targeting you too?
8:00AM EDT 7/31/2015
5:00PM EDT 7/30/2015
Are you equipped to mend wounded souls?
No one can predict the time.
George O. Wood Speaks Out on Christ's Return
"The Lord encourages and warns us to be prepared at any moment."
9:00AM EDT 7/30/2015
The Secret to Healthy, Loving Relationships Ex-wife of Former NFL Player Tells Story of Abuse and Betrayal
3 Things That Short Circuit Your Faith Genetics Expert Confirms the Reality of Adam and Eve
If You Have This Condition, Skipping Breakfast Could be Especially Bad for Your Health Why You Need to Learn to Disengage
Are you equipped to mend wounded souls?
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