Monday, August 3, 2015

Murder, Kidnapping, Attempted Rape, and More: Another Week of Illegal Immigrant Crime Leah Barkoukis

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  Must Reads  
Oh Yes: Joe Biden Seriously Weighing Presidential Run
Guy Benson
The New York Times, fresh off a bitter lambasting from Hillary Clinton's campaign, explored rumors over the weekend that Vice President Joe Biden is considering jumping into the 2016 presidential contest.
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Uh-Oh: Obama to Unleash 'Biggest Step Ever' to Combat Climate Change
Aaron Bandler
Tongue-Tied Part II: DNC Chair Avoids Saying What Differentiates Democrats From Socialists (Again)
Matt Vespa
RNC Chairman Warns Third Party Run Would Be a 'Death Wish'
Leah Barkoukis
#DisarmTheiPhone Newest Campaign to Somehow Make the World Safer
Christine Rousselle
Murder, Kidnapping, Attempted Rape, and More: Another Week of Illegal Immigrant Crime
Leah Barkoukis
Spoiler Alert: People With No Firearms Training Get Killed In Self-Defense Simulator
Matt Vespa
A Lion’s Share of Misplaced Outrage
Brian and Garrett Fahy
Cecil the Lion is killed by an American dentist on safari and much of America including Jimmy Kimmel and others whose thinking goes no deeper than a Facebook post is up in arms (no pun intended) about it.
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Carly, Don’t Fall For The Fox Trap
Josh Pinho
Six months before a single primary vote is cast, Fox News and the RNC are making a historic move they have decided to make the decision for the voters and arbitrarily limit the GOP field to ten.
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VIDEO: Hillary Takes a Swipe at Jeb’s ‘Right to Rise’
Hillary Clinton criticizes Jeb Bush.
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VIDEO: Obama Seeks to Slash Emissions From Power Plants
President Barack Obama prepares to unveil his plan to tackle greenhouse gases from coal-fired power plants, Diane Hodges reports.
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The Right Way to Deal With Hypocrisy in the Church
Michael Brown
Without a doubt, we have hurt our witness to the world with our hypocrisy, thereby undercutting our moral and spiritual authority.
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VIDEO: US 2016, Donald Trump: I'm Number one With Hispanics
Businessman Donald Trump has said he expects to win the US presidential race after he flew into Scotland.
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NYT: Damn These Republicans For Dishonoring Their Commander-in-Chief on the Iran Deal
Guy Benson
The tiresome, partisan New York Times editorial board is terribly unhappy with Republicans, which means it's a day ending in 'y.' This time, they're upset over vigorous, substantive opposition to the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran, which they cast as borderline treasonous.
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Senate To Vote on Defunding Planned Parenthood Today
Katie Pavlich
After a series of recently released undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress showed Planned Parenthood doctors openly discussing the sale of fetal tissue and pushing baby body parts around in a dish, the Senate is set to vote on defunding the abortion giant today.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Dianne Feinstein Warns Harry Reid on Gun Control: Don't Betray My Trust
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Rick Perry Signs Late-Term Abortion Ban Into Law
Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich
Time For Conservatives To Get Medieval On The Liberal Establishment
Kurt Schlichter
Kurt  Schlichter
A Heart for Planned Parenthood
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
Brady Docked 4 Games? Bench Hillary 4 Years in Benghazi
Katie Kieffer
Katie Kieffer
Planned Parenthood: Tear Down This Wall!
Ken Blackwell
Ken Blackwell
China Has its Own Horrors to Atone for
Jeff Jacoby
Jeff Jacoby
Jeb Bush Sat on Board of Michael Bloomberg Foundation That Funded Abortion Advocates Around the World
Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson
What If...
Rich Galen
Rich Galen
This is Your Nuremberg, Planned Parenthood
Matt Barber
Matt Barber
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
On Vacation | Bob Owens
“Skinny Guy” Concealed Carry | Bob Owens
Navy Officer Confirms Opening Fire On Islamic Terrorist In Chattanooga | Bob Owens
Marine Corps To Hold Bake Sale To Buy Modern Sniper Rifles | Bob Owens
PolitiFact’s Failed ‘Debunking’ Of Obama’s Social Security Gun Grab | Bob Owens
Political News
Judge: St. Louis residents don't need vote on stadium funds | AP News
Prosecutor: Police officers unlawfully opened fire in death | AP News
Firing of town's first black police chief leads to turmoil | AP News
Man shot to death awaiting court appearance in Mississippi | AP News
Bobbi Kristina Brown buried alongside mom, Whitney Houston | Reuters News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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