Monday, August 3, 2015

Prophecy News Headlines

   August 03, 2015
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Prophecy News Watch Newsletter

Biblical Prophecy In The News

Keeping You Informed of World Events From A Biblical Perspective
 Featured Product:
» Out of the Mouth Of Two Witnesses: Warnings From the Heavens (4 DVD Set)
Featuring: Jonathan Cahn, Mark Biltz & Bill Salus
We have reached a point in time where the world sits and waits for the proverbial “other shoe to drop.” Something big is going to happen soon. Christians sense it. Students of Bible prophecy can feel it in their bones. Even the unsaved world senses that something ominous is heading our way. We live in the most dangerous time in world history. What’s going to happen in the next year or so? Will there be a war in the Middle East around the Blood Moon timeframe? A global financial collapse on the next Shemitah? A nuclear tragedy? Another terrorist catastrophe?

Three well-known men of God were interviewed concerning the signs of the times. Bill Salus, the author of Psalm 83: The Coming Mideast Wars and Nuclear Showdown with Iran; Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah; and Messianic pastor Mark Biltz, the man who discovered and brought the whole Blood Moon concept to the forefront. This interview is on pace to be the most watched interview in the history of TBN. Yes, inquiring minds want to know! What lies just ahead?

Many people have criticized the blood moons, the Shemitah cycles and interpretation of Psalm 83. Are their criticisms valid? Mark, Jonathan and Bill are able to set the record straight and explain the exciting days that lie ahead in a new 4-DISC DVD set featuring their exhaustive research and a series of lengthy interviews with all of these men. Are the signs in the heavens indicators of some spectacular events coming in the near future? 

Prophecy News Headlines
Increase in Knowledge/New Technologies
Forget About The Apple Watch, Implantables Are Coming
Anything is possible with the push of a button and now with the Apple Watch, you can do it all with the twist of a dial. But this is just the beginning of what Silicon Valley has in store for us in the name of connectivity. We’re about to enter the next level of high tech innovation – connecting with yourself............  Click here for full story
Where is the United States in Prophecy?
Five Consequences Of America's Moral Collapse
Americans have become so “non-judgmental” that many people can no longer tell the difference between good and evil. We congratulate ourselves for being “nicer,” more sensitive and less prejudiced than past generations of Americans, but we don’t stop to consider how much more there is to morality than that. An America that isn’t full of good people won’t remain a good nation, nor will it remain strong and free over the long haul. Our country’s lack of morality has real consequences that are capable of eventually sinking us as a nation............  Click here for full story
The US state of Kentucky has come under fire for forcing ministers who volunteer as counselors at youth prisons to sign a policy which asserts that homosexuality is not sinful........  Click here for full story
Thursday morning, at 5:39 local time, a 4.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Dead Sea region of Israel, an area that is the deepest depression on the face of the planet. Though there were no reports of injury or damage in Israel or neighboring Jordan, it is certainly worth considering the meaning of the event, especially in light of other recent earthquakes that have hit Israel and the catastrophic earthquake that hit a struck Nepal a few months ago ...........  Click here for full story
More parents than ever before are choosing to homeschool their children, driving a movement that’s grown by 62 percent in the last decade.......  Click here for full story
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Sponsored By Jan Markell/Olive Tree Ministries
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October 2-3, 2015
Grace Church, Eden Prairie, MN
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Featuring: Dr. Robert Jeffress, Michele Bachmann, Pastor Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati
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