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CONTRIBUTOR: . By King of Shambhala
(I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into
the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) WWIII IS
SHAPING UP IN SYRIA Exclusive: Joseph Farah likens alliance to 'apocalyptic
visions of John the Revelator' JOSEPH FARAH World...
CONTRIBUTOR: . By King of Shambhala
(I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into
the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) The Day
Of Judgment Has Come For the Antichrist Obama and for each of you in the world.
Have you covered up for...
Was on Umpqua Campus – BARRED From Assisting Victims During Shooting">
VIDEO=> ARMED Air Force Vet Was on Umpqua Campus – BARRED From Assisting
Victims During Shooting...
SHOOTING AT UMPQUA COLLEGE in Oregon – 13 Dead – Gunfree Zone...
. 3 Hillary Clinton emails secret highest security rating, State Department
review, Confidential discussions among officials of six world powers about
Iran’s nuclear program “I watched her on countless occasions blatantly lie to
the American people and knowingly lie.”…Linda Tripp “By July 1993, the Clintons
and their associates had established a...
. Why is Washington Against Russia Bombing ISIS and Al-Qaeda? Lew Rockwell
Blog | The Obama Administration is not happy about this development. 72
Migrant: It’s “Normal” to Call Swedish Women Whores Among Muslim Migrants
уничтожила склад боеприпасов ИГ...
. LEW: USA goes broke next month…...
. Today college education is extremely expensive. The cost of tuition
should provide meaningful security. Oregon college with only 1 unarmed guard for
3,000 students is a joke, this is a total lack of security. White House is not
a gun free zone, Capitol is not a gun free zone. There...
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