Bill Maher on Brexit, Immigration: Is It Really Xenophobia If You Have Something to Fear?
What if we had radicalized Muslim ghettos here like they do in Brussels?
Liberal comedian Bill Maher certainly has his moments. During his Friday evening broadcast, the HBO host invoked the recent Brexit vote and Donald Trump's call to temporarily halt immigration from Islamic countries, asking if it is really "xenophobia" if "you have something to fear?"
Clinton consultant Paul Begala chimed in, trying to compare radical U.K. Muslims who think homosexuality should be illegal with members of the Republican Party. Fortunately, Maher rightfully called such a comparison, "bullsh*t."
Former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele and Daily Beast political reporter Betsy Woodruff joined in the discussion. Newsbusters provides the transcript and video:
BEGALA: It's bizarre and stupid to try and ban every Muslim from coming to America.
MAHER: I agree ...
BEGALA: It's insane ...
MAHER: ... but it's not wr-, but his point was also not wrong. I mean, I hear a lot of talk today about xenophobia and is it really phobia if you have something to be afraid of? Fifty-two percent of British Muslims think being gay should be illegal.
BEGALA: What percentage of American Republicans believe that? (tepid laughter from audience). Can we deport them?
STEELE (inexplicably): Not just American Republicans.
MAHER (demonstrating that he's more Republican than Steele): Not many.
BEGALA: Shoot!
MAHER (incredulously): They think it should be illegal?!
MAHER: No, I don't, that's bulls**t, Paul, that's bull.
While Maher harbors a number of political views with which we can disagree, it can't go unsaid that he isn't consistent on the topic of radical Islam. What's more, he routinely calls out fellow liberals for employing a double standard when it comes to Islam, defending the religion even when its tenets are anathema to true liberal ideals.