Tuesday, February 2, 2016

BOOM: Obama’s State Department Just Turned On Hillary In a BIG Way

Years Ago Her Dad Removed The Door Screws In Her Apartment, Now She Wants Everyone To Know Why
Years ago she had just moved into her first apartment when her dad came by and removed the front door's screws, now she's warning everyone... Read more...
School Forces Islamic Propaganda On Girl… Then Her Big, Bad Marine Dad Shows Up
Like a lot of our government-run schools, this high school thought they could push Islamic propaganda on its students. However, they didn't know about her big, bad Marine dad. When he showed up, things changed in a hurry. Now, they're going to wish they didn't push their liberal agenda on his kid... Read more...
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Watch: Robbery Suspect Takes Woman Hostage, Had NO Idea What This Cop Has In Store For Him
Wow. This cop definitely knows his stuff... Do you support this police officer's reaction? Read more...
Ghost Sniper Has ISIS Leaders Scared To DEATH… He’s Stacking Jihadi Bodies Like a Boss
This "Ghost Sniper" has put the fear of God into the savage leaders of the Islamic State group... his skill has him stacking jihadi bodies like no one else has been able to. This is awesome... talk about a hero. Read more...
Fox News Host Calls Out Jeb Bush’s Son Over Military Service, Then Something BIG Was Discovered
Andrea Tantaros is no fan of Jeb Bush, and she may have just taken things a little too far. During last night's debate, Tantaros launched an unusual attack against Bush's son. Then she learned the truth and instantly regretted it. Did Andrea Tantaros cross the line? Read more...
Hillary Campaign Makes BOMBSHELL Announcement About Trump… This Is a Game Changer
Hillary Clinton has constantly said she wants to run against Donald J. Trump. However, behind that confidence, something else is going on in the Clinton campaign... now, her campaign just made a BOMBSHELL announcement about The Donald. This could change the entire campaign... absolutely shocking. Read more...
Wow: Alaska Police Show Up At Fugitive’s Home, Discover Something They Weren’t At All Expecting
These cops were in for quite a surprise when they showed up at this guy's house. They were looking for a fugitive but they found something else entirely... Read more...
West Virginians To Spend Entire Day In Prayer To Fight Catastrophic Obama Initiative
West Virginia has been one of the states hit hardest by Obama's liberal agenda. Now, a group of West Virginians are going to spend the day in prayer to fight one of the president's most catastrophic initiatives. We support them 100 percent... our thoughts and prayers are with these West Virginians. Read more...
Mom Notices Something In Baby’s Photo That Looks Like Camera Flash, Then She Looks Again…
This concerned mother noticed something about her infant son in multiple photos that she thought was just the flash - then she took a second look. Read more...
ISIS Sniper Gives Away His Position… Meets Allah IMMEDIATELY
This Islamic State group sniper got way too cocky... when he gave away his position, he IMMEDIATELY got sent to his finally meeting with Allah. Better yet, the whole thing was caught on video. Take a look... I don't think he's going to get those 72 virgins. Read more...
Watch Trump Deny Something Big About Megyn Kelly – But This Was Just Discovered…
Trump has no regrets about skipping the last Republican debate, but things get a little tricky when this reporter asks him about something he said about Fox News host Megyn Kelly... Do you still support Donald J. Trump for president? Read more...
BOOM: Obama’s State Department Just Turned On Hillary In a BIG Way
Barack Obama is apparently sick of running damage control for his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton. His State Department just turned on her in a HUGE way, and it could mean jail time for Hillary. Finally, Hillary is going to find out whether orange really IS the new black... and we couldn't be happier! Read more...

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