Monday, February 1, 2016

Then the earth did shake and quake, the foundations also of the mountains did tremble; they were shaken, because He was wroth PSALMS (18:8)

#1 source for dead sea products | 21 Shevat 5776
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Then the earth did shake and quake, the foundations also of the mountains did tremble
they were shaken, because He was wroth

PSALMS (18:8)

וַתִּגְעַשׁ וַתִּרְעַשׁ הָאָרֶץ וּמוֹסְדֵי הָרִים יִרְגָּזוּ
וַיִּתְגָּעֲשׁוּ כִּי חָרָה לו

תהילים יח:ח

va-tig-ash va-tir-ash ha-a-retz u-mo-s'-day ha-reem yir-ga-zu va-yit-ga-a-shu kee kha-rah lo

Jerusalem Inspiration

David sings a song of gratitude to God after defeating his enemies. Sometimes God’s support is in the form of a ‘still small voice’ (I Kings 19:12); other times it shakes the very foundations of the world. In Israel, there have been a number of quakes which shook the earth over the years. The Dead Sea, for example, is a result of a cataclysmic rift in the earth’s crust, a result of the shifting of plates under the surface. This shift produced mountain ranges and volcanoes in the Golan Heights, as well as deep fissures. The Dead Sea was formed from one of these fissures, and is the world's largest hypersaline lake.  Aside from being a fantastic vacation destination, the waters of the Dead Sea have been proven to have a host of healing powers.  Feel Israel on your skin with our most popular Dead Sea products!

The Deep Dead Sea:
Real Live Footage

This is just incredible! Check out this footage taken underwater by divers exploring the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Something Old Something New?

With only six seeds recovered from excavations at the Masada fortification in the 1960s, one scientist set out to cultivate a Judean date palm.  The result will fascinate you.

Olive Wood Pendants

These fabulous olive wood pendant necklaces with the Star of David come in two sizes, small and large. Both sizes have a flat olive wood base, in all of the wood’s striking, unique coloring, and have a pewter Star of David appended to the front to adorn it. The pendants come with a leather cord, a strong way of hanging a bold pendant around one’s neck.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Simply breathtaking, by Daniel Santacruz. The Dead Sea and its surrounding mountains are a popular vacation destination as well as an amazing therapeutic natural resource.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Ilana Eberson of New York, New York. Todah rabah!

“Really Want to Thank Jerusalem365

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
  I am from Papua New Guinea and l real want to thank Jerusalem365 for updating daily happenings from lsrael. I am informing others in my country about God's people Israel. God has a very special intrest in lsrael and its people and l am previledge to be connected through you-Tonny Pako
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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