David sings a song of gratitude to God after defeating his enemies.
Sometimes God’s support is in the form of a ‘still small voice’ (I Kings 19:12);
other times it shakes the very foundations of the world. In Israel, there have
been a number of quakes which shook the earth over the years. The Dead Sea, for
example, is a result of a cataclysmic rift in the earth’s crust, a result of the
shifting of plates under the surface. This shift produced mountain ranges and
volcanoes in the Golan Heights, as well as deep fissures. The Dead Sea was
formed from one of these fissures, and is the world's largest hypersaline lake.
Aside from being a fantastic vacation destination, the waters of the Dead Sea
have been proven to have a host of healing powers. Feel Israel on your skin
with our most popular Dead Sea products!