Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Clinton-Warren 2016? Warren excites where Hillary cannot.

Clinton-Warren 2016?

Warren excites where Hillary cannot.

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Was Monday's joint appearance by Hillary Clinton and Senator Elizabeth Warren a sign of things to come? Some political watchers are asking if Clinton was taking Warren out for a test drive as a potential vice-presidential nominee when they appeared together in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The Financial Times reports that Warren brings something that Clinton lacks in appealing to voters -- enthusiasm:
Ms Warren, the Massachusetts senator who has become one of the Democratic party’s most prominent progressives, has reportedly made it to a shortlist of potential vice-presidential candidates for Mrs Clinton and is being vetted for the job along with several others.
Mrs Warren has at times been considered a long-shot for vice-president, with some Democrats concerned that her populist views could alienate some centrist voters and Mrs Clinton’s wealthiest backers, or that an all-female ticket could turn off some male voters.
Yet Monday’s rally in Ohio was a clear reminder of a much-needed ingredient that Ms Warren would bring to Mrs Clinton’s campaign: enthusiasm.
While Clinton continues to lead in the polls nationally against Donald Trump, pollsters have consistently pointed to an enthusiasm gap between Clinton supporters and those backing other candidates, be it Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. While voters appear willing to back Clinton, they are not excited by her, something that could hurt her come November.

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