Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Trump Hires Campaign Pros Focus on communications with the media.

Trump Hires Campaign Pros

Focus on communications with the media.

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A week after he fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump is in a hiring mood, picking up a pair of communications professionals to deal with the media, reports the Washington Post:
Donald Trump has hired experienced Republican operative Jason Miller to serve as a senior communications adviser on his presidential campaign, marking the latest significant personnel move the mogul has made to beef up his organization for the general election.
He is also adding former RNC communications aide Michael Abboud as communications coordinator as be builds out his media operation. In a written statement provided to The Washington Post, Trump said: “As we continue to work to defeat Hillary Clinton this November, I am constantly building a superior political team. After winning the most votes in the history of a Republican primary contest, we are taking our messages to the people so that we can Make American Great Again.”  
Other positions inside the campaign have also changed including advisor Alan Cobb being named director of coalitions. That role will see Cobb reaching out ot groups backing Trump to leverage their support.

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