Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Trump Slams 'Pocahontas' Warren False claim to Native American heritage.

Trump Slams 'Pocahontas' Warren

False claim to Native American heritage.

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Donald Trump and his supporters wasted no time in lashing out at Hillary Clinton's possible running mate, calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" and calling her out for what they say was an attempt by Warren to use racial and identity politics to further her career, reports US News.
Trump, in response, has revived a charge that emerged in Warren's successful 2012 campaign to unseat then-Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., that she had claimed Native American heritage when she was seeking academic posts at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
"We call her Pocahontas for a reason," Trump told NBC on Monday. "She said she's 5 percent Native American. She was unable to prove it. She used the fact that she was Native American to advance her own career."  
"Elizabeth Warren is a total fraud. I know it. Other people who work for her know it. Elizabeth Warren is a total fraud," he continued. "She made up her heritage, which I think is racist. I think she's racist, actually because what she did was very racist."  
The Trump allegations about Warren, which many media outlets glossed over with little explanation, came as the Massachusetts senator made a campaign appearance on the same stage as Hillary Clinton, leading to plenty of speculation that Warren will be tapped as the vice-presidential nominee for Clinton's ticket.

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