Biden: Can’t Go Back to Normal Until Up To 98% Get Injections
CV NEWS FEED // President Joe Biden told a reporter that America will go back to normal after as many as 98% of Americans submit to mandatory vaccination and take COVID-19 shots.
“Well I think, look — I think we get the vast majority, like what’s going on in some of the … some industries and some schools — it’s 97, 98 percent,” Biden said in answer to a reporter who asked when America could go back to normal. “But I’m not the scientist,” Biden added. “But one thing for certain: A quarter of the country can’t go unvaccinated.”
The president’s comments received an immense public backlash, with many pointing out how much the Biden administration’s promises have shifted while America’s economy and quality of life has suffered under COVID-19 policies.
In May, the administration announced the goal of reaching 70% vaccination. Americans fulfilled that goal by the beginning of August.
Immediately, health officials began to downplay the value of the achievement, however. “We need to have at least 80% of the population vaccinated to truly have some form of herd immunity,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a voting member of the Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee.
In addition, Biden went on to announce a sweeping “vaccine mandate,” and called on employers to threaten to fire all employees who would not comply.
In the eyes of many critics, the president’s latest comments only compounded the sense of escalating demands and manipulation on the part of public officials.
Numerous commentators pointed out that Biden’s goal of a 97%-98% vaccination rate was “unrealistic.” “This is code for we are never getting back to normal,” tweeted Donald Trump, Jr.
“If you believe this is possible, either that he can force 98% of us to vaccinate or that if we do, he’ll allow the country to get back to normal, then I have a set of bridges to nowhere I’d like to sell you,” wrote Daniel Baranowski.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX, reacted matter-of-factly to the president’s comments. Sharing an earlier Biden administration statement calling for 70-80 percent of Americans to get vaccinated in order to reach herd immunity, Cruz simply wrote: “Joe Biden is moving the goalposts.”
Readers can watch President Biden’s remarks in the video below.
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Terry Fox • 7 hours ago The sad scientific fact is that none of the so-called "vaccines" work as they were intended. They were intended to prevent the disease. They don't. They are not worthless, as they do aid the body in mitigating the severity of the disease, but that is not the same thing as immunity. Strangely enough, science reveals that those who have had the disease are in fact immune. Our government, for reasons known only to itself, refuses to acknowledge this scientific fact. This is the same government paying billions of dollars to the big pharmaceutical companies for their inferior products. No one should ever believe anything that someone from the government tells them. They are liars.
Elizabeth Volkmer Terry Fox • 4 hours ago They were never intended to prevent disease. Watch project veritas exposĂ© videos. there are three of them so far
W Munro • 6 hours ago When a medical/health issue becomes political...this is the result. No two agree, bad information flourishes when agendas become the facts. The whole process has been and continues to be sad.
Robert M • 6 hours ago If it wasn't totally apparent that we are very quickly becoming a tyrannical dictatorship, it is now clear after hearing all the generals turn on the President that we are now quickly becoming a military dictatorship. Biden is the perfect dupe for this and COVID is the perfect cover story. Let's all wake up and admit what's going on.
Michelle Robert M • an hour ago Everyone needs to take a look at what is happening in Australia. I fear it is coming soon to America.
kirbydog1 • 5 hours ago Meanwhile, Norway lifted all Covid restrictions and reclassifies Covid as no more dangerous than the common flu.
Plebius • 5 hours ago Hope whoever elected him, the most popular president ever, is choking on their own spit!! Like the old adage says, "Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it." Enjoy your pick!
Patricia Hefferen • 5 hours ago Our 32 year old vaccinated, mask wearing daughter just became infected with covid. She feels terrible but is not presently in danger of being hospitalized. This could not come at a worst time as her sister just gave birth to her first child prematurely with an emergency C-section. The two sisters are exceptionally close and each needs the other but covid has interrupted that bond. "The Straw Man" will simply not accept scientific facts. He wants it HIS way and will destroy anyone and anything in the path of his will. No wonder he produced a Hunter Biden.
Elizabeth Volkmer Patricia Hefferen • 4 hours ago Make sure she takes a lot of vitamin C and get her some vitamin D ASAP and a bottle of zinc. All these should help her recover and avoid hospitalization
chriscas • 5 hours ago President Zombie strikes again! Ivermectrin Schmivermectrin! Oh...I thought the Dems were so big for the little guy. I guess not. This kind of workplace hazard is no big deal right? Onto Building Back Better!! Poverty and misery by 2030 (2025?) for everyone EXCEPT the elites!
Jane chriscas • 5 hours ago The DemocRAT party USED to be for the working class - now they are for the rich and selfish! Republicans are for the "little guy" and besides, the DemocRAT party is perfectly fine with killing the unborn or even the born, now. How can anyone trust a "party" that thinks nothing of killing human beings? Animals have more protection and rights.
Ceci Jane • 4 hours ago Yes, they vouch for the killing of our future doctors, scientists, teachers, astronauts, discoverers, inventors and generations of good workers, miners, drivers, farmers, soldiers, ambassadors, even good governors, rep's, senators, Mothers, Fathers all yet to be; they are separating, denying us all, from the productive love and inheritance that will be passed on that shall continue to build humanity and the nation - even save the earth!
Donna Jorgenson Farrell • 6 hours ago But they keep distributing illegal immigrants throughout the country and give them a choice whether they want to be vaccinated or not. I will believe Biden's malarkey when they close the southern border and mandate vaccines for those crossing legally. I think we will go back to normal when we elect a president who's capable of doing the job and not causing crises in every area of presidential responsibility.
James Whitney • 4 hours ago Biden is very naive if believes 98% vaccine coverage will end the COVID problem. Look at Israel where a vast majority have been vaccinated. Their cases sky rocketed with the delta variant and the majority of cases occurred among the fully vaccinated.
Rick Farinelli • 4 hours ago What a bunch of sheepie we have become. The American Citizen (that Love America) has to realize that One: We are not a full Nation Under God anymore and Two WE have now had 50 years of kids that have been dumb not because of "illegalization" of our Public Schools system. In California English has become the second language and our California Bishop's are part of the same problem. The Bishop's don't even realize what they are doing because most of them are from 3rd World Socialistic Countries. In a forum with the CA Bishop's about two weeks ago I ask them to start teaching the Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights so we can become "One Nation Under God Again"!!
Elizabeth Volkmer • 4 hours ago Even if they got 90% “vaccinated “, how many deaths would there be from terrible side effects? I would bet the more people that got “vaccinated”, the more deaths there might be from terrible side effects.
Michelle Elizabeth Volkmer • an hour ago Side effects such as myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart and inflammation of the lining of the heart - both very serious) in young males as well as a 400% increase in miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy (from usual rate of about 20% to a rate of 80% (The Medical Rebel, Those are the two most alarming side effects I am aware of.
kirbydog1 • 4 hours ago The infrastructure bill they are trying to pass has Covid policies in there as well that will essentially force everyone to get the jab. It will fine companies huge amounts if their employees aren't vaccinated. Everyone needs to get on the horn and call their representatives. Instead of typing on your keyboard, pick up the phone and call. Get out and demonstrate. That bill will kill the United States as we know it.
Elizabeth Volkmer kirbydog1 • 4 hours ago Pretty sure forcing people to get it is still a Nuremberg code violation.
Michelle Elizabeth Volkmer • 28 minutes ago • edited Agree. It specifically violates voluntary informed consent.
What the Nuremberg Code established was:
The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.
This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behavior for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.
This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.
This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.
The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.
Retrieved from
Audrey E. Small • 5 hours ago He is so full of it. He can take his shot mandates and his masks and shove them right up his senile old @ss!
Michelle • an hour ago So, if you don't follow the mandate, you will lose your job/livelihood, apparently not be eligible for unemployment, not be able to travel, not be able to eat in a restaurant. Are they going to ban anyone not vaccinated from grocery shopping? Really, a slow death for an individual and their family by starvation? I have seen liberals stating they believe anyone not receiving the vaccine should be jailed. WHAT COUNTRY AM I LIVING IN?
My husband is a federal employee. He was only months away from retirement BUT to do so, he is going to be forced to take this vaccine that both he and I have strong religious and medical objections to. Biden is not allowing medical or religious exemptions. Wow - when did he become God? So, submit to the "jab" (not cute, like they are obviously trying to infer) and risk some very serious side effects or lose your job and the retirement you worked for over the last 20 years.
Hospitals are firing nurses by the hundreds, if not thousands. So, tell me, who is going to care for those vaccinated people who still get COVID and are hospitalized (because the unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed to be hospitalized). As a retired nurse, hospital bed availability is not just based on the number of physical beds available - it is based on staffing. No nurses to care for patient = no bed.
Airlines are firing hundreds of people. While the unvaccinated are viewed as unfit to travel, I find it comical that the vaccinated won't be able to fly either.
Wake up, America. While the left is marching in lock step with this divisive vaccinated versus unvaccinated, take a good look at Australia. What is happening there is terrifying. They willingly gave up their guns so they have no defense against a tyrannical government. The left blindly screams "follow the science." I see no science in play here - just politics, divisiveness, and hatred. Why is the left trying so hard to pit those who have been vaccinated against those who have not? All for a virus that has a survivability rate of 99+%. I watch the news and see George Orwell's 1984 playing out before my eyes.
Ceci • 4 hours ago Caution, responsibility, wisdom, for the love of God .... As parents, friends, co-workers, common citizens... would we knowingly expose ourselves and family to where there is TB, rubella, mumps, cholera, ebola, .... pehaps, no, because the consecuences are for life; even the common cold, flu, strep, can impact a child for life.... because epidemics can spread like wildfire. Even vaccinated adults will suffer long slow recovery, vulnerable to whateverelse "floats in the air". It will be even longer before we really know what COVID-19 did to some of us. The science we speak of, is already old.
The fact is that any illness can, will, might, affect in such way that a whole generation of able-bodied hard-working children of God, might become unproductive and less able to work and to serve, be there for our loved ones or oneself... Though not fully prevent, the vaccines for COVID-19 or any other illness, might lessen the effect, so that we shall continue to serve, do good for one another, hopefully in the best of health, mind and soul. Blessings to all.Elizabeth Volkmer Ceci • 3 hours ago I was exposed to chickenpox unintentionally when I was six weeks old and I survived having the infection and as a result I have the natural immunity from getting it. While I don’t know about some of those other childhood diseases, I do know that people used to have chickenpox parties to deliberately infect their children if a neighbor had it because they understood immunity back then in the 70s and early 80s!
Ceci Elizabeth Volkmer • an hour ago God save you from shingles, when natural immunity diminishes as we get older, stress pulls numbers on our health. Shingles (herpes zoster) revives, and hurts for life.... again, vaccine reinforce your health.. As far as myself, a remarckably healthy woman, one day contracted meningitis, had a rebout of polio, CMV, sars, covid, developed thyroid issues, got high blood pressure. now I am diabetic.... If this helps negotiate salvation... I hope.. and pray Take care!
Michelle Ceci • 12 minutes ago I had shingles, which decided to center on my face and in my eye. Quite painful, but survivable. Tested, tried, and proven vaccines but not these rushed through thongs for COVID with low effective rates. Read the science for yourself - articles from medical journals, not from social media. Mainstream media and liberal politicians all have an agenda.
Anne Perks Rose Connolly • 5 hours ago What does Obiden know that we don’t?… that he’s working on eliminating us Americans while building a new American with illegals that will go along with the Democrats. Maybe he thinks they’ll be easier to handle and not ask questions. Then the dumocrates don’t have to work so hard at cheating and stealing an election.
Greebo Anne Perks • 3 hours ago If reality demands getting vaccinated, get vaccinated. The alternative is getting infected.
Michelle Greebo • 21 minutes ago With an illness that has over 99% survivability rate. What happened to freedom? For any medical procedure or treatment, one must weigh the personal pros and cons of said procedure or treatment. When did Joe Biden get to take that personal choice away? I think reality calls for a slap to the face for the sheeple who are marching blindly to the beat of Biden's drum.
JUAN RUEDA Greebo • 4 hours ago of course not, most of politicians have hidden agendas that go against the common people. They are exceptions of course but not Angela Merkel nor Biden
Greebo JUAN RUEDA • 3 hours ago Concerning Dr. Merkel you don't have to worry: she won't be reelected.