Evening News

SEPTEMBER 28, 2021
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
Diane • 16 minutes ago I really need to ask this question. Did PF attend Catholic Schools and was he taught the Catechism of the Catholic Church? He certainly does not preach the complete Truths of the Catholic Church. Sorry PF, the Catholic Church is Superior because it was instituted by Jesus Christ, along with all of the Sacraments that Jesus instituted throughout His public life. I think that any prelate Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Priest or nun who do not believe this to be the truth, they need to leave the Catholic Church.
DDB57 • an hour ago There's nothing special about being Catholic? Heresy
I pray for those in Australia. They are listening to a spirit but it is not the Holy Spirit
Michael Aiello • an hour ago Pope Francis wants openness. Really? Well. Release the results if the survey you used to thwart the Latin mass. I hear many prelates were accepting of it and you listened to a minority of bishops to justify your ruling.
licjjs • an hour ago The Lancet have made it worse by saying they want to empower women - along with trans et al. - as if being a woman was in the same category as these other unnatural categories.
PJE01 • 5 hours ago Do not Divide by calling actions Good or Evil but be vigilant of our own hearts in case we succumb to Evil and bring scandal to others? So we have to know what is Good and Evil but not to call anybody out because they will in effect be embarrassed and shamed in front of others!?! As the world then becomes more and more Evil we stay silent - this can only be a doctrine from the other Spirit!
Mary M. Doyle • 6 hours ago The whole purpose of what The Lancet said was for the promotion of evil men who call themselves female, that was obvious from the start and I use the word evil because that is what they are, they are not mentally ill as that alone would make an excuse for them. The root cause of this evil is feminism and the women's rights movements. The Lancet should be known as The Frankenstein Papers from now on. When abortion is deemed a right of women then why should there be any respect for the fairer sex when a baby slumbering in the womb has none? Lucifer's minions are everywhere including running Holy Mother Church, these are truly the dark ages and a deluge won't sort this out, only Heavenly fire will. We need to pray more and that includes me.
Asinello • 7 hours ago Lawyers are going to have a field day when the lethal effects of theses vaccines become too obvious to deny and people realize that their employers etc. were attempting to force them to do something that could easily have resulted in death. If I were an employer, I would think very seriously about firing someone for refusing the death-jab. This is going to come back and bite them in the you-know-what.
Johnboy • 8 hours ago "Is it just to hire a hitman to solve a problem? This is abortion."
No more than it is just to praise Eire's President Higgins as a "wise man of today", the Godfather of hitmen in Ireland.
No more than it is to praise Emma Bonino Godmother of hitmen in Italy.
tap J Mcallion • 2 hours ago • edited Her simple intellect allows her to be trained like any pet. Jump, sit, speak. I's odd that being from Sweden she "Made the Cut" before birth.So much for DNA screaning.
Asinello J Mcallion • 7 hours ago I think it's more that she's a victim of liberal plonker parents who didn't know when to give a child a thoroughly good spanking.
Blobee • 10 hours ago • edited Greta needs to realize without energy the lights and microphone and cameras she stands in front of and what she uses to pontificate her "prepared by someone else" statements would not be there. Hey Greta, time to put your money where your mouth is...you go first....cut WAY back on that energy you use.
Shawn • 10 hours ago Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray the rosary for the Holy Father, the Bishops, and Priest.
Blobee Shawn • 10 hours ago I pray for the Pope and my cardinal, Cupich, every day, that they will receive the grace of conversion.
Blobee • 10 hours ago • edited Nothing special about being Catholic!!!! Christ doesn't want us to categorize actions as "good" or "evil"....!
What the h*ll religion does this man practice??? There is EVERYTHING special about being Catholic! And what does he do, except judge someone as "rigid" and condemns them as evil? And if he ever read even ONE Gospel, Jesus repeatedly categorizes actions as good or evil!
I typically just don't even listen to this man anymore, but really....that old joke, "Is the Pope Catholic" actually is no longer rhetorical....no, the Pope is not Catholic. He really isn't.
PJE01 Blobee • 5 hours ago Catholicism is no longer the One True Church because it has been taken over by the church of Bergoglio who abdicated the title 'Successor of Peter. In his church all are welcome and it is to become the New World church.
angelccorr • 10 hours ago It's so sad to see this Pope use a wrecking ball on the Church. He is just not of our faith. He just isn't.
Baseballmomof8 • 12 hours ago That dude from down under…. Yeah, it’s a simple answer to homosexual coupling ceremonies… and the answer is NO!!!!!!!
Robert Dunn • 12 hours ago I'm not going to watch this vid. The headline is enough, "Catholicism is not superior." When will be rid of this priest?
ColorsOfTheWind • 13 hours ago • edited Who is Bergoglio’s ghost writer? He has no references but himself? Quotes himself? Isn't that narcissism at it's highest? Oops. He's just getting us ready for the Antichrist. So what does that make him? The false prophet? I think he's gotten mad cow disease.
tap • 13 hours ago I thought withholding just wages was a mortal sin. That was in Christ's time, not in the un-vicar times.
JR tap • 8 hours ago Defrauding a laborer of his/her wages is one of the sins that cries to heaven for vengeance.
tap JR • 2 hours ago • edited Yes, by now Heaven must be going deaf ! Of course blackmail and extortion are tactics well refined in Italy.
Philipp Merillat • 13 hours ago • edited Pastors, not police? I heard that kind of excuse for 40 years of kidnappings and forced drug abuse against my family and it's still going on in New Mexico to this day against my twin brother who has been kidnapped by the State. The more the Church claims to be powerless against evil, the more the evil will have the advantage. Obviously, the bad bishops want evil to reign or they would at the least speak out against it rather than repeating these very old and familiar mantras of tolerance, dialogue and impotence. There is no dialogue with criminals of the State, nor do they want any dialogue. Just the drug money is what they want. No dialogue necessary for their criminal organization. My twin brother, their living zombie for drug experiments and money laundering.
Advoluntas • 14 hours ago "The road to hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lamp posts that light the path." St. John Chrysostom
Advoluntas • 14 hours ago BREAKING NEWS: Francis condemns RIDGIT Moses for refusing to take part in interfaith prayer service with the Golden Calf sect
Blobee Advoluntas • 10 hours ago • edited Yeah! Moses even presented them with 10 RIGID rules that are unequivocal, COMMANDMENTS....written in stone...which is very, very rigid material indeed.
Mary M. Doyle Blobee • 6 hours ago God wrote them in stone for Moses. God Himself is too rigid for the man who holds a Catholic title.
I really need to ask this question. Did PF attend Catholic Schools and was he taught the Catechism of the Catholic Church? He certainly does not preach the complete Truths of the Catholic Church. Sorry PF, the Catholic Church is Superior because it was instituted by Jesus Christ, along with all of the Sacraments that Jesus instituted throughout His public life. I think that any prelate Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Priest or nun who do not believe this to be the truth, they need to leave the Catholic Church.
There's nothing special about being Catholic? Heresy
I pray for those in Australia. They are listening to a spirit but it is not the Holy Spirit
Pope Francis wants openness. Really? Well. Release the results if the survey you used to thwart the Latin mass. I hear many prelates were accepting of it and you listened to a minority of bishops to justify your ruling.
The Lancet have made it worse by saying they want to empower women - along with trans et al. - as if being a woman was in the same category as these other unnatural categories.
Do not Divide by calling actions Good or Evil but be vigilant of our own hearts in case we succumb to Evil and bring scandal to others? So we have to know what is Good and Evil but not to call anybody out because they will in effect be embarrassed and shamed in front of others!?! As the world then becomes more and more Evil we stay silent - this can only be a doctrine from the other Spirit!
The whole purpose of what The Lancet said was for the promotion of evil men who call themselves female, that was obvious from the start and I use the word evil because that is what they are, they are not mentally ill as that alone would make an excuse for them. The root cause of this evil is feminism and the women's rights movements. The Lancet should be known as The Frankenstein Papers from now on. When abortion is deemed a right of women then why should there be any respect for the fairer sex when a baby slumbering in the womb has none? Lucifer's minions are everywhere including running Holy Mother Church, these are truly the dark ages and a deluge won't sort this out, only Heavenly fire will. We need to pray more and that includes me.
Lawyers are going to have a field day when the lethal effects of theses vaccines become too obvious to deny and people realize that their employers etc. were attempting to force them to do something that could easily have resulted in death. If I were an employer, I would think very seriously about firing someone for refusing the death-jab. This is going to come back and bite them in the you-know-what.
"Is it just to hire a hitman to solve a problem? This is abortion."
No more than it is just to praise Eire's President Higgins as a "wise man of today", the Godfather of hitmen in Ireland.
No more than it is to praise Emma Bonino Godmother of hitmen in Italy.
tap J Mcallion • 2 hours ago • edited Her simple intellect allows her to be trained like any pet. Jump, sit, speak. I's odd that being from Sweden she "Made the Cut" before birth.So much for DNA screaning.
Asinello J Mcallion • 7 hours ago I think it's more that she's a victim of liberal plonker parents who didn't know when to give a child a thoroughly good spanking.
Greta needs to realize without energy the lights and microphone and cameras she stands in front of and what she uses to pontificate her "prepared by someone else" statements would not be there. Hey Greta, time to put your money where your mouth is...you go first....cut WAY back on that energy you use.
Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray the rosary for the Holy Father, the Bishops, and Priest.
Blobee Shawn • 10 hours ago I pray for the Pope and my cardinal, Cupich, every day, that they will receive the grace of conversion.
Nothing special about being Catholic!!!! Christ doesn't want us to categorize actions as "good" or "evil"....!
What the h*ll religion does this man practice??? There is EVERYTHING special about being Catholic! And what does he do, except judge someone as "rigid" and condemns them as evil? And if he ever read even ONE Gospel, Jesus repeatedly categorizes actions as good or evil!
I typically just don't even listen to this man anymore, but really....that old joke, "Is the Pope Catholic" actually is no longer rhetorical....no, the Pope is not Catholic. He really isn't.
PJE01 Blobee • 5 hours ago Catholicism is no longer the One True Church because it has been taken over by the church of Bergoglio who abdicated the title 'Successor of Peter. In his church all are welcome and it is to become the New World church.
It's so sad to see this Pope use a wrecking ball on the Church. He is just not of our faith. He just isn't.
That dude from down under…. Yeah, it’s a simple answer to homosexual coupling ceremonies… and the answer is NO!!!!!!!
I'm not going to watch this vid. The headline is enough, "Catholicism is not superior." When will be rid of this priest?
Who is Bergoglio’s ghost writer? He has no references but himself? Quotes himself? Isn't that narcissism at it's highest? Oops. He's just getting us ready for the Antichrist. So what does that make him? The false prophet? I think he's gotten mad cow disease.
I thought withholding just wages was a mortal sin. That was in Christ's time, not in the un-vicar times.
JR tap • 8 hours ago Defrauding a laborer of his/her wages is one of the sins that cries to heaven for vengeance.
tap JR • 2 hours ago • edited Yes, by now Heaven must be going deaf ! Of course blackmail and extortion are tactics well refined in Italy.
Pastors, not police? I heard that kind of excuse for 40 years of kidnappings and forced drug abuse against my family and it's still going on in New Mexico to this day against my twin brother who has been kidnapped by the State. The more the Church claims to be powerless against evil, the more the evil will have the advantage. Obviously, the bad bishops want evil to reign or they would at the least speak out against it rather than repeating these very old and familiar mantras of tolerance, dialogue and impotence. There is no dialogue with criminals of the State, nor do they want any dialogue. Just the drug money is what they want. No dialogue necessary for their criminal organization. My twin brother, their living zombie for drug experiments and money laundering.
"The road to hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lamp posts that light the path." St. John Chrysostom
BREAKING NEWS: Francis condemns RIDGIT Moses for refusing to take part in interfaith prayer service with the Golden Calf sect
Blobee Advoluntas • 10 hours ago • edited Yeah! Moses even presented them with 10 RIGID rules that are unequivocal, COMMANDMENTS....written in stone...which is very, very rigid material indeed.
Mary M. Doyle Blobee • 6 hours ago God wrote them in stone for Moses. God Himself is too rigid for the man who holds a Catholic title.