Evening News

SEPTEMBER 29, 2021
Hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens.
Church Militant Evening News.
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Thomas A. Deplorable • 2 hours ago Masks or rather a face diaper, are absolutely useless. They filter spittle but not the virus. The cloth masks and average paper masks will filter 70 to 80 micron particles. The virus is about 20 micron.
jeri sadegi • 2 hours ago Michael. you have my prayers against the devils work and God's word to continue
Diane • 2 hours ago I realize that the vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast, but it sure is the next closest thing to it. We will not be able to buy or sell without it, or go anywhere.
I was particularly disappointed when Fr. Gerald Murray said that he advocates for the vaccine because there is only a very remote connection with the vaccine and abortion.
For myself, I know that it is wrong to take it. If nothing else, by taking vaccines that used aborted babies in the development or in the case of J&J, where it is actually in the vaccine, this can only increase the use of aborted babies and more and more babies will be aborted if they say it is good for humanity. That is where this sinfulness will lead.
RW in VTA Diane • 14 minutes ago The vast majority of bishops and priests (even otherwise good ones) are on the wrong side of the issue of vaccine morality. Its a sign of the diabolical disorientation infecting the Church. There is no serious argument that would justify taking the abortion jabs (which are the only ones available)
Diane • 2 hours ago The Truth can't be diversified! All of these Priests, Bishops and Cardinals who constantly speak out for the inclusion of the mortally sinful acts of homosexuality, are homosexuals themselves. They want the Catholic Church to approve of their perverted, diabolical sins as not sinful. They have to be defrocked!
Thomas A. Deplorable Diane • 2 hours ago We may not see justice done on earth but after ....... the horror that is in store for them when they are judged by the Supreme Judge, Jesus Christ. There will be no court of appeals then. It's forever.
Stan • 9 hours ago Why do they focus all their rage and propaganda on the tiny minority (1% at United Airlines) who don't want to be vaccinated. Humanity is doomed. Get your vax and be safe and happy for ever after.
BTW, Russian "vaccine" called "Sputnik" has been rejected by Biden's handlers as invalid. Methinks the main reason is: it brings no profit for Pfizer.
Baseballmomof8 • 14 hours ago • edited That Yakima bishop….. let’s just say… yeah, he busted my gaydar….
Jack Baseballmomof8 • 11 hours ago He looks exactly like one of those Spitting Image puppets from the eighties.
Philipp Merillat • 14 hours ago • edited That footage of the police arresting a man in Italy for being unmasked reminds me of the numerous times my twin brother and I were arrested for refusing to take the psychiatric drugs of the drug pushing abusers in New Mexico. My brother remains detained now for almost 20 years for my comments to him which disturbed the psychiatrist and his self appointed "treatment guardian" my sister Leslie Broughton who lied to the court as did her attorneys. Our attorney Jack Kirkpatrick was reported killed in a car accident. Accidents happen in New Mexico. My brother was electroshocked by Jay R. Feierman and although he practiced extortion, he never got his license revoked. Another dope pusher, Samir Roy, who had me injected and paralyzed told the medical review board he had sex with a client to "boost her self esteem". Another dope pusher, William Hampton Milburn, got his license revoked after numerous sex abuse scandals involving children. I knew about a dozen of these dope pushers and the crimes they committed, and the State doesn't want to hear my stories, they are likely embarrassed by the crimes which they helped enable over 40 years here. So that footage reminds me of what I lived through over 20 years of continual abuse by police. My self esteem has never been better Dr. Roy, in case you have any more ideas about how to help Christians. If you still have tires, I still have fingers Dr. Feierman. If you still have that photo Dr. Milburn, I asked you return it over 30 years ago. If you need it to get something, please see a psychiatrist. Dr. Roy may have some idea how to help you.
AcceptingReality • 15 hours ago Bishop Garcia is a woos. Bishop Tyson is suffering from cognitive disonance and a lack of knowledge. Both of these guys should resign because they are unfit to serve.
I'm not a fan of the NBA largely because of Lebron James and the leagues love for the CPC. But I do support the handful of guys not submitting to the jab. No healthy young athlete should risk it. The jabs don't work anyway. So why poison their bodies. Why would anyone take that poison?
Jack • 15 hours ago The tyrany showing itself in places like Australia is so very predictable; how many short years ago did they all turn in their guns? Yet the governmental shreiks for "safety" are still being made. 'Now that you can no longer shoot, we've got some shots for you.'
AcceptingReality Jack • 15 hours ago I was wondering about whether they had a 2nd Amendment equivalent. Because I think that level of Tyranny would be tougher to pull off if people are armed. So I'm glad you mentioned it.
MarxismNoWay Jack • 15 hours ago "An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." Robert A. Heinlein
AcceptingReality MarxismNoWay • 15 hours ago Great line! One I have heard before but hadn't thought about for awhile. Thanks for mentioning it.