the Vortex

September 30, 2021 21 CommentsMichael Voris answers questions at the very first Church Militant Resistance Boot Camp in Orange, California.
CG1066 • 7 minutes ago Again what an encouragement to my friends and I who have been told we are unbalanced cause all we want to talk about is how to bring people in the church, lol, lol!!! (Those who do not have good will mention this and can't stand being around us). Then I was personally drawn away to do other things 'cause I was told that I would have nothing in common with people to talk about to bring then in the church! Well, gee, I'm an older gal now, and I don't need to experience such things anymore, to be able to talk to them about it if I have to. Time is SHORT! Then I was told one has to be "balanced" by experiencing stupid stuff. Did I feel closer to God by doing those things? No.... I feel balance more by helping those in need and where the Holy Spirit can MOVE. MV is right on, keep listening to him.
Michael Aiello • 15 minutes ago • edited I disagree with Michael on convincing Catholics. Knowledge does not move these Catholics toward the truth. So many Catholics believe in the teaching authority of the pope and the bishops on everything without exception. We have one Catholic with a homosexual son who now believes that homosexual sex is now OK because of what the pope says. Nothing we say will convince her otherwise.
It’s the same with voting Democratic. Can’t convince them otherwise. All we can do is pray.
And as was stated, daily mass goers believe in this!
We do have a deeply divided Church.
mrgees • an hour ago • edited It is a plea to Church Militant. I am blessed knowing Polish and because of it, thanks to amazing apostolates, I can listen to saintly books on the Internet including (some) encyclicals (all free.)
We need the same in English! Can CM pick someone with a great voice who, maybe oit of love for the Church and us would do it pro-bono recorded them? This is treasure of the Church and no matter how eloquent I could be, I am not a saint. But those of saintly Popes should be read.
If I had a good voice (and no Polish accent) I would do it.
Maybe someone from the readers have it and could do it and then post on youtube/godtube or know about such location having it already?
mrgees mrgees • an hour ago • edited Example: Mystical City of God By Maria of Agreda. About 20h (Polish) Listen to the voice. This book was "hit" 350k times and knowing that there is less than 39m Polish this is significant number showing how much it is needed and sought.
Diane • an hour ago You know what, I in addition to most of the Bishops being cowards I think that they just do not give a damn. They will continue the charade as long as they can and go to their death beds without ever trying to save the Catholic Church. They have already chosen where they want their Souls to reside and I think Lucifer has convinced them that they will have all of the glorious homosexual sexual orgies they could ever dream of when they finally reside in Hell for eternity.
Michelle Campbell • an hour ago Pray today. Pray the rosary that that hearing in court scores Church Militant a victory!!! St Michael and the Archangels, be there IN THE COURTROOM!!! 🙏🏛⚖🇺🇸🙏
yvobalcer . • 2 hours ago I remember back in the 1950s when the nuns told students that only Catholics can be saved. Many children in the classroom had family members who were not Catholic and the truth was something we needed to hear. We prayed for our non-Catholic family members.
IslandGal52 yvobalcer . • 17 minutes ago Heard on the Scripture & Tradition EWTN show (Fr. Mitch Pacwa, 9/28/21 ) a caller asked about non-Catholics not entering Heaven. The nuns taught me the same thing, yvo, back in the late 50's early 60's. Fr. said in 1947 or 48. Pope Pius the XII excommunicated a priest for teaching that. Guess the Sisters of Notre Dame never got the memo. Always thought the Bible said "Unless you eat My body, drink My blood, you will have no life within you". John 6:53. So which is it? (You can watch the replay on their website, 36:30 minutes into the talk.).
Fred Johnson • 2 hours ago I watched that Ben Shapiro interview with Barron too - he (Ben) was just straight up with his question and that moment of Barron's answer about the "privileged way" will go down in history as a pathetic example of effeminate Catholicism. Embarrassing. And he's a successor to the Apostles?
Lucy • 3 hours ago Thank you, Michael! I hope all Catholics watch this Vortex! ✝️✝️ Bishop Barron should have told Ben Shapiro the truth. It’s disgraceful that he didn’t tell Ben Shapiro the truth. Does Bishop Barron really believe what he said or is he just being a coward? 🤔 Bishop Barron is the total opposite of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Archbishop Fulton Sheen was all truth and all zeal. ✝️✝️
Michelle Campbell Lucy • an hour ago 'Archbishop Fulton Sheen was all truth and all zeal'.
Spot on girl!!! ☺
Diane • 3 hours ago I spoke to my pastor many years ago regarding preaching against abortion, contraception and homosexuality from the pulpit. He answered me by including a very small blurb in the weekly bulletin in very small letters, after another article, saying that if he would start doing that, he would empty the pews. Abortion is only mentioned in the bulletin once in awhile and in our prayers after the homily. He will sometimes preach about the Real Presence. They do not want to do fire and brimstone, so, as a result, we mostly get worthless, meaningless homilies.
Johnboy • 3 hours ago Knowledge may help good people. Bad people couldn't care less. It's water off a duck's back.
mrgees • 4 hours ago • edited Listen to Father W. Prefiguring the End Times: the Era of Julian the Apostate (part 1)
Although father W. touched the third trail (Bergolio - man, not the Pope Francis) and is shut down, please do not mention his full name in the comments.
It shows that at that time it was exactly the same as we have today and at the end God is in control, so learn the faith so you can survive in the time of turmoil and you can be a resource for those who seek the Truth (those who do not seek it already rejected the Truth and your knowledge will not help them, so don't be discouraged.)
BTW the title is NOT about living in the end of times but reflection on this during the Church time when this is being read. We may be surely be living in this time or we jus have a rehearsal but it is good to know this is not something new.
Michael - you know him very well. This is that good priest helping to setup your apostolate.
Carlos • 9 hours ago I am in absolute agreement with Michael. It seems common to be the Church of Nice. It's not common to speak with authority and formation. To be formed by Christ is not an assumption. We should doubt ourselves, but not Him who is Lord. In the present world it is common to doubt Him and even blame Him and persecute Him. It's going to get ugly, but we are called to be real Beauty and Truth.
what moral • 9 hours ago • edited Chancellery staff are drowning in obedience to evil.
The Catholic Church deserves the TRUTH and thus needs insistence for Resistance.
Michelle Campbell • 10 hours ago • edited Oh yeah! Blessed be God for that.
So, the 'Church of Gruel' just waters down the Faith starving and depriving the People of God.
NO MORE! The One True Faith seen on Church Militant's website has 100 hours
of learning. Get started and be shocked at how you can become holier, taking souls with you. When we are grounded in the Faith and can explain Christ's mission to the world oh the joy souls perceive because they recognize the Holy
Spirits voice.
Christ's Bride must recover Her spotless form shaking off and destroying the
poison from the mouth or the pen.
That will take committed Churchmen who are willing to be treated like the Master was, accepted in some towns practically stoned in others.
Fr Altman and his fellow priests refuse to by sidelined. Former seminarians, may
the Almighty show them what is next in their spiritual--temporal journey.
Dear fellows, no discouragement but through prayer, fasting and discernment
He'll let you know the next move.
It's disturbing that Ben Shapiro says he rejects Christ, that he isn't the Messiah.
There's one fellow worth praying for and Matt Walsh is remembering Ben in his prayers I'm sure. God can and does open the eyes.
Great talk Michael! May your words bear much fruit in O.C.
Am praying for a positive outcome at that Federal hearing tomorrow with the judge ruling in Church Militant's favor!
'All zeal and no truth'. Such a waste of man power leading souls to hell if they don't
wake up!
'All truth and no zeal'. Such a waste of man power leading souls to hell if they don't speak up!
Graces do follow those seeking Truth. May we encourage seekers and those near us to be ever aware of the 4 last things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell.
Deo Gratias!
Thursday September 30th Feastday: St Jerome (420) Pr., D., translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible (New. Trad.) ✝️📕✝️
see moreLucy Michelle Campbell • 3 hours ago I love “The One True Faith,” too! It’s an excellent series. I learn so much from it. ✝️✝️
Michelle Campbell Lucy • an hour ago • edited Yes and watching it over and over for refresher.
It's called 'continuing education credits' hopefully receiving in the end a
PhD in advanced studies on Eternal Life attainment taking souls with us!🙏💒🇻🇦💒🙏
Only You, Lord, only You! 🙏
Stan • 10 hours ago Very good talk, Michael! God bless you for doing that!
I hope that at least some bishops (and pastors) watch this and be inspired to learn a thing or two.
Again what an encouragement to my friends and I who have been told we are unbalanced cause all we want to talk about is how to bring people in the church, lol, lol!!! (Those who do not have good will mention this and can't stand being around us). Then I was personally drawn away to do other things 'cause I was told that I would have nothing in common with people to talk about to bring then in the church! Well, gee, I'm an older gal now, and I don't need to experience such things anymore, to be able to talk to them about it if I have to. Time is SHORT! Then I was told one has to be "balanced" by experiencing stupid stuff. Did I feel closer to God by doing those things? No.... I feel balance more by helping those in need and where the Holy Spirit can MOVE. MV is right on, keep listening to him.
I disagree with Michael on convincing Catholics. Knowledge does not move these Catholics toward the truth. So many Catholics believe in the teaching authority of the pope and the bishops on everything without exception. We have one Catholic with a homosexual son who now believes that homosexual sex is now OK because of what the pope says. Nothing we say will convince her otherwise.
It’s the same with voting Democratic. Can’t convince them otherwise. All we can do is pray.
And as was stated, daily mass goers believe in this!
We do have a deeply divided Church.
It is a plea to Church Militant. I am blessed knowing Polish and because of it, thanks to amazing apostolates, I can listen to saintly books on the Internet including (some) encyclicals (all free.)
We need the same in English! Can CM pick someone with a great voice who, maybe oit of love for the Church and us would do it pro-bono recorded them? This is treasure of the Church and no matter how eloquent I could be, I am not a saint. But those of saintly Popes should be read.
If I had a good voice (and no Polish accent) I would do it.
Maybe someone from the readers have it and could do it and then post on youtube/godtube or know about such location having it already?
mrgees mrgees • an hour ago • edited Example: Mystical City of God By Maria of Agreda. About 20h (Polish) Listen to the voice. This book was "hit" 350k times and knowing that there is less than 39m Polish this is significant number showing how much it is needed and sought.
You know what, I in addition to most of the Bishops being cowards I think that they just do not give a damn. They will continue the charade as long as they can and go to their death beds without ever trying to save the Catholic Church. They have already chosen where they want their Souls to reside and I think Lucifer has convinced them that they will have all of the glorious homosexual sexual orgies they could ever dream of when they finally reside in Hell for eternity.
Pray today. Pray the rosary that that hearing in court scores Church Militant a victory!!! St Michael and the Archangels, be there IN THE COURTROOM!!! 🙏🏛⚖🇺🇸🙏
I remember back in the 1950s when the nuns told students that only Catholics can be saved. Many children in the classroom had family members who were not Catholic and the truth was something we needed to hear. We prayed for our non-Catholic family members.
IslandGal52 yvobalcer . • 17 minutes ago Heard on the Scripture & Tradition EWTN show (Fr. Mitch Pacwa, 9/28/21 ) a caller asked about non-Catholics not entering Heaven. The nuns taught me the same thing, yvo, back in the late 50's early 60's. Fr. said in 1947 or 48. Pope Pius the XII excommunicated a priest for teaching that. Guess the Sisters of Notre Dame never got the memo. Always thought the Bible said "Unless you eat My body, drink My blood, you will have no life within you". John 6:53. So which is it? (You can watch the replay on their website, 36:30 minutes into the talk.).
I watched that Ben Shapiro interview with Barron too - he (Ben) was just straight up with his question and that moment of Barron's answer about the "privileged way" will go down in history as a pathetic example of effeminate Catholicism. Embarrassing. And he's a successor to the Apostles?
Thank you, Michael! I hope all Catholics watch this Vortex! ✝️✝️ Bishop Barron should have told Ben Shapiro the truth. It’s disgraceful that he didn’t tell Ben Shapiro the truth. Does Bishop Barron really believe what he said or is he just being a coward? 🤔 Bishop Barron is the total opposite of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Archbishop Fulton Sheen was all truth and all zeal. ✝️✝️
Michelle Campbell Lucy • an hour ago 'Archbishop Fulton Sheen was all truth and all zeal'.
Spot on girl!!! ☺
I spoke to my pastor many years ago regarding preaching against abortion, contraception and homosexuality from the pulpit. He answered me by including a very small blurb in the weekly bulletin in very small letters, after another article, saying that if he would start doing that, he would empty the pews. Abortion is only mentioned in the bulletin once in awhile and in our prayers after the homily. He will sometimes preach about the Real Presence. They do not want to do fire and brimstone, so, as a result, we mostly get worthless, meaningless homilies.
Knowledge may help good people. Bad people couldn't care less. It's water off a duck's back.
Listen to Father W. Prefiguring the End Times: the Era of Julian the Apostate (part 1)
Although father W. touched the third trail (Bergolio - man, not the Pope Francis) and is shut down, please do not mention his full name in the comments.
It shows that at that time it was exactly the same as we have today and at the end God is in control, so learn the faith so you can survive in the time of turmoil and you can be a resource for those who seek the Truth (those who do not seek it already rejected the Truth and your knowledge will not help them, so don't be discouraged.)
BTW the title is NOT about living in the end of times but reflection on this during the Church time when this is being read. We may be surely be living in this time or we jus have a rehearsal but it is good to know this is not something new.
Michael - you know him very well. This is that good priest helping to setup your apostolate.
I am in absolute agreement with Michael. It seems common to be the Church of Nice. It's not common to speak with authority and formation. To be formed by Christ is not an assumption. We should doubt ourselves, but not Him who is Lord. In the present world it is common to doubt Him and even blame Him and persecute Him. It's going to get ugly, but we are called to be real Beauty and Truth.
Chancellery staff are drowning in obedience to evil.
The Catholic Church deserves the TRUTH and thus needs insistence for Resistance.
Oh yeah! Blessed be God for that.
So, the 'Church of Gruel' just waters down the Faith starving and depriving the People of God.
NO MORE! The One True Faith seen on Church Militant's website has 100 hours
of learning. Get started and be shocked at how you can become holier, taking souls with you. When we are grounded in the Faith and can explain Christ's mission to the world oh the joy souls perceive because they recognize the Holy
Spirits voice.
Christ's Bride must recover Her spotless form shaking off and destroying the
poison from the mouth or the pen.
That will take committed Churchmen who are willing to be treated like the Master was, accepted in some towns practically stoned in others.
Fr Altman and his fellow priests refuse to by sidelined. Former seminarians, may
the Almighty show them what is next in their spiritual--temporal journey.
Dear fellows, no discouragement but through prayer, fasting and discernment
He'll let you know the next move.
It's disturbing that Ben Shapiro says he rejects Christ, that he isn't the Messiah.
There's one fellow worth praying for and Matt Walsh is remembering Ben in his prayers I'm sure. God can and does open the eyes.
Great talk Michael! May your words bear much fruit in O.C.
Am praying for a positive outcome at that Federal hearing tomorrow with the judge ruling in Church Militant's favor!
'All zeal and no truth'. Such a waste of man power leading souls to hell if they don't
wake up!
'All truth and no zeal'. Such a waste of man power leading souls to hell if they don't speak up!
Graces do follow those seeking Truth. May we encourage seekers and those near us to be ever aware of the 4 last things: Death, Judgment, Heaven, Hell.
Deo Gratias!
Thursday September 30th Feastday: St Jerome (420) Pr., D., translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible (New. Trad.) ✝️📕✝️
Lucy Michelle Campbell • 3 hours ago I love “The One True Faith,” too! It’s an excellent series. I learn so much from it. ✝️✝️
Michelle Campbell Lucy • an hour ago • edited Yes and watching it over and over for refresher.
It's called 'continuing education credits' hopefully receiving in the end a
PhD in advanced studies on Eternal Life attainment taking souls with us!🙏💒🇻🇦💒🙏
Only You, Lord, only You! 🙏
Very good talk, Michael! God bless you for doing that!
I hope that at least some bishops (and pastors) watch this and be inspired to learn a thing or two.