Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Singer John Legend Attacks Jews, Displays His Racist Hatred Towards The Jewish State By Hugh Fitzgerald - on September 27, 2021 "PALESTINIAN": JIHAD AGAINST JEWS


Singer John Legend Attacks Jews, Displays His Racist Hatred Towards The Jewish State

The singer John Legend recently appeared on the Mehdi Hasan show to display his well-known antipathy to Israel and to accuse the Jewish state of mistreating the Palestinian Arabs. A report on his views is here.

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Award-winning singer and songwriter John Legend criticized Israel for what he called the country’s mistreatment of Palestinians during his appearance Sunday night on “The Mehdi Hasan Show.”

The “All of Me” singer told Hasan, “When I see what’s happening in Palestine to the Palestinian people, where they are clearly not being able to experience the full rights that they deserve, it’s an extremely unfair difficult life they’re forced to live. It’s not fair; it’s not just.”

I doubt if John Legend Is aware that the “Palestinian people” were invented only after the Six-Day War, as part of a propaganda campaign to transform the endless war waged by nearly two dozen Arab states, possessing 13 million square miles of land and immense wealth from oil and gas, against the one tiny Jewish state, possessing one-sixth-hundredth the area of the Arab lands, into something more palatable for world consumption. Now, with the invention of the “Palestinian people,” this Arab gang-up could be transformed into a conflict between “two peoples” – the Israelis and the “Palestinian people.” If Legend were to be asked what it is that distinguishes the “Palestinian people” from, say, the Sunni Arabs in Jordan, Lebanon, or Iraq, what could he say? They “Palestinians” do not possess a distinct religion, language, folkways, cuisine; there is nothing one can point to that suggests a separate people. ”Palestinian” is a geographical adjective, like “Jordanian” or “Egyptian,” that has been deliberately elevated to an ethnic noun. And Legend, like so many others, has unthinkingly accepted this sleight-of-word.

As for the “Palestinian people” not being able to experience “the full rights that they deserve,” apparently Legend does not know that Israeli Arabs possess exactly the same civil, religious, and political rights as do Israeli Jews. Israeli Arabs sit in the Knesset, serve on the Supreme Court, go abroad as ambassadors for Israel. The chairman of Israel’s largest bank, Bank Leumi, is an Arab. Jews and Arabs in Israel study together in universities, work side by side in factories and offices. Jews and Arabs are treated in the same hospitals where Jewish and Arab medical personnel serve them. Jews and Arabs own restaurants together, work in high-tech start-ups together. The only difference is that Jews must, while Arabs may, serve in the armed forces. And increasing numbers of Israeli Arabs have been doing just that, some rising as high as the rank of major.

When Legend claims that the “Palestinian people” are not able to experience “the full rights that they deserve,” he ought to be addressing not the Arabs in Israel but those in Gaza and in the PA-ruled parts of the West Bank. In Gaza Hamas rules absolutely, violently suppressing all dissent; the PA does the same in the West Bank, where Mahmoud Abbas has refused to allow either presidential or parliamentary elections since 2005; as a result, he is now in the sixteenth year of his four-year rule. If someone gets under Abbas’ skin, he can have him arrested or worse. Is John Legend aware that those he calls the “Palestinian people” and who live in Gaza and the West Bank, have no right to freedom of speech or freedom to assembly, and those who are political dissenters are thuggishly put down, or imprisoned, or even murdered, like the late Nizar Banat. It is not Israel that suppresses them, but their own corrupt leaders.

Legend, who is also a judge on the singing competition “The Voice,” then called on the US to hold Israel “to a higher standard” in light of the fact that the Jewish state is “the recipient of so much American aid and support and is named one of our stronger allies.”

Legend needn’t worry. Of course Israel is held to a “higher standard,” not only in the kangaroo court of the UN Human Rights Commission and the UN General Assembly, and by the European Parliament, but also by our State Department. The IDF’s responses to those who first attack Israel are carefully examined in Washington; Israel is raked over the goals when there is any collateral damage, despite its attempts to minimize such damage; the IDF does more to minimize civilian casualties than any other army in the world. Israel is the subject of Item 7 — about the human rights situation of the “Palestinians” — which is on the permanent agenda of the UN Human Rights Commission. As Colonel Richard Kemp, who led the British forces in Afghanistan, and had occasion to observe the IDF’s behavior in its last two wars in Gaza, no army has been as solicitous of civilian lives, or been as moral in its operations, as the IDF. Yes, Israel is held “to a higher standard,” and has always met that standard.

“What [Israel is] doing to the Palestinian people is not fair and should not be done in our name and with our resources contributing to it,” the father-of-two concluded by saying.

What is Israel “doing to the Palestinian people”? It has only responded to the Palestinians engaged in terror attacks against Jews in the West Bank, and Palestinian terror groups – Hamas and PIJ – launching rockets from Gaza into southern Israel, to terrorize the inhabitants. It is the Palestinians who launched thousands of rockets in mid-May at southern cities in Israel; it is the Palestinians who have been sending arson balloons into Israel, to set fire to farmland and forests. Israel then fights back, trying to stop those rocket and incendiary balloon attacks, as it did in 11 days in May. It does not initiate violence but tries only to defend its own citizens from attack. Does John Legend think that Israel has been the first to strike? If so, he’s ill-informed. What Israel is “doing to the Palestinian people” is only this: it is trying to prevent those Palestinian Arabs from killing Israelis. How complicated is that for John Legend to understand? And perhaps John Legend would care to comment on two things. First, what does he think of the PA’s “Pay-for-Slay” program, by which hundreds of millions of dollars are each year paid to imprisoned terrorists and to the families of dead terrorists, thereby rewarding past terrorism and incentivizing future terrorism? What’s more, terrorists are honored by having streets and schools in Palestinian areas named after them, which encourages others to emulate them. Second, what does he think of the antisemitism in Palestinian schoolbooks? Or is he unaware of what a scandal those unrevised schoolbooks, some worthy of Der Stürmer, have become?



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2 days ago
"Legend called on the US to hold Israel to a higher standard

How about he hold Palestinians to at least late 20th century standards, like not practicing combat pedo-phillia and other terrorist activities.
Chief Mac
2 days ago
It's not like he knows anything. He just parrots what his masters tell him to say
John Legend is a jerk just like his wife. His wife also harassed people mercilessly.
These two nut jobs deserve each other.
Gerard Barnes
1 day ago
Well, no surprise then that his wife bullies little girls on social media.
2 days ago
When are those dumbed down, Hollywood, Lefties ever going to pick up a book and read history instead of parroting the in vogue antisemitic dribble that they seem to be enamoured with?
Sid Dinerstein
2 days ago
Send him some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Birds of a feather…
Joy Brower
1 day ago
Good idea!! He and Bidet can eat their ice cream cones together!
2 days ago
This is one of many reasons i don't watch TV.

The voice is merely a collection of Hollywood commies posing as judges and legend blends right in.

Virtually EVERY show on tv today promotes perversion, antisemitism, anti-christian, and anti American agenda and most shows are owned and operated by Oprah is some shape or form
2 days ago
Oprah. whose show was made popular partly by white female viewers.

Nice to know some are privileged indeed.
2 days ago
It's a free country. He can be a POS if he wants to. Might not be good for business, though.
1 day ago
I have never even heard of this guy. Somebody should give him, and a lot of others, a history lesson that shows there is no such thing as a palestinian.
This is one scumbag who deserves to be ''canceled''
The Mayor
13 hours ago
This scumbag is a legend in his own mind!
Karl Schmarx
18 hours ago
Look at that idiot. He does not even understand that "arab palestinians " is an oxymoron!
20 hours ago
I blame the "good" JINOS, the "heal the world" types in Hollywood & Manhattan's upper west side for John "Legend" in his mind, Mel Gibson & other assorted low life's & perverts who hate Jews, America, Israel & decency!!!
22 hours ago
TMI!.. more than 12 woids R wasted effort 4 this guy, Pam!
Mister Proton
22 hours ago
You mean That Christian Guy Who Prays On TV Specials At Christmas, celebrating the birth of a Jewish Messiah?

THAT John Legend?

1 day ago
Bet not one of these liberals have even been to Israel.
Donald Pugh
1 day ago
What! We should contaminate Israel more than the Palestinians already have!
1 day ago
Legend and wife Tiegen: 🍕🍕🍕🍕👿
John Haley
1 day ago
People of color are thier own worst enemies. They are not genetically disposed to critical thinking.
1 day ago
Legend is a no talent, has been, divisve hater and racist. May he die of covid or worse. Human scum
this thing should remember that these Jews and Israilies belong to the Creator, is not one to be mocked,
he will repay in the tribulation, any person aligned against Him and his chosen people. Did they not go through the most hideous cruelty under the Germans?
Joy Brower
1 day ago
What an ignorant POS!! I don't know anything about his music, but I'm guessing it's as uninteresting and unimportant as he is!! I think he's just a legend in his own mind!
1 day ago
That's two 'singers' of colour in the headlines today. Why have I never even heard of either of them before? Should I care?
Donald Pugh
1 day ago
Why? Because there is a lot of evil out there that we have never heard of that can destroy us if left to grow!
1 day ago
Facts are irrelevant to the woke, virtual signaling progressives; they can't process the information; worthless trying to inform them.
Donald Pugh
1 day ago
The rest of us need to damn well be informed if we are to survive!

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