Thursday, September 30, 2021

PANDEMIC SPREADING SOCIALISM NEWS: VIDEO Trey Blanton • • September 30, 2021 2 Comments Replacing God with government



by Trey Blanton  •  •  September 30, 2021    2 Comments

Replacing God with government

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A Monday Rasmussen poll shows most Americans oppose Democrats' reckless spending. Even more Americans recognize that spending trillions of dollars on the Left's pet crises will usher in socialism.

In tonight's In-depth Report, Church Militant's Trey Blanton shows how COVID is spreading more than just germs.

Republican senator Mitch McConnell, from Kentucky, highlighted last week the goal of so-called progressives.

Sen. Mitch McConnell: "Democrats want to use this temporary pandemic as a Trojan horse for permanent socialism."

Fifty-nine percent of likely voters polled agreed with McConnell's assessment, while about a third of voters support the Democrats' $3.5 trillion dollar push towards a socialist State.

Fellow Republican senator from the Bluegrass State, Rand Paul, notes the reality of overspending:

So it's the false promise we tell people who don't have much money, [that] we're going to give you money, but then, when we give you the money, a year later, your prices rise and you're like, 'How come I'm not any richer? I got a check for $1,400, but the price of what I buy at the grocery store and gasoline and everything else is up $1,400.'"

This hasn't stopped commentators from using COVID to contrast the so-called evils of capitalism with the supposedly virtuous system of socialism, calling for "militant" and "revolutionary strategy" to "support the program of socialism."

Pope Francis, especially, has been vocal in pushing for abortion-tainted gene therapy to combat COVID in line with socialist doctrine.

Pope Francis: "Vaccination is a simple, but profound way of promoting the common good and caring for each other, especially the most vulnerable."

Francis has shared Democrat views in fighting so-called climate change and in relying on big government to help the poor, rather than on church-led efforts.

Francis has another shared goal with the Democratic party of death — an affinity for boosting the genocidal communist regime in China, which Georgia's representative, Marjorie Taylor Greene, is dauntlessly calling out.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:

I would like to debate my colleague form New York and talk to her about how her policies are actually going to destroy jobs and do nothing for the climate. Because the reality is the climate has changed in the entire history of the earth, and no amount of taxes that anyone can pay is going to change the climate, and that's just the truth.

Greene further notes how China stands to benefit from the Democratic plan to tank America's economy and boost the communist nation's economic supremacy.

Businessman Elon Musk has also noted China's ascendency and its increasing electric vehicle production there while also jeopardizing information security.

Elon Musk: "All personally identifiable information is securely stored in China without being transferred overseas."

The Catholic Church has long recognized socialist communism as antithetical to moral life. It warps the virtue of charity to exclude God while crippling societies' prosperity.

Critics point to the Democrats' scheme as a Trojan horse — a famous tactic from antiquity that led to the city of Troy being wiped from existence.


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