Thursday, September 30, 2021

JOHNSON & JOHNSON EXPOSED NEWS: VIDEO Hunter Bradford • • September 29, 2021 8 Comments Employees advise against company's vaccine



by Hunter Bradford  •  •  September 29, 2021    8 Comments

Employees advise against company's vaccine

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Nothing is more divisive than truth itself, and the truth about COVID is certainly no exception. Project Veritas recently released the third video in a three-part series, uncovering the truth about COVID and the vaccine. 

Church Militant's Hunter Bradford explains why conflicting data about the jab traces back to cover-up, lies and fake Catholicism.

On Monday, Project Veritas' new bombshell video exposed corruption within the Johnson & Johnson organization and its vaccine. Veritas interviewed two employees of the pharmaceutical giant, scientist Justin Durrant and Regional Business Lead Brandon Schadt. 

Project Veritas reporter: "So, I should tell her [12-year-old cousin] to not get the Johnson & Johnson one?" 

Durrant: "Don't get the Johnson & Johnson [winks]. I didn't tell you though." 

Both of them refuse to support their own company's vaccine, for themselves or children.

"You really — you really don't need to vaccinate a baby. You don't need to vaccinate a baby."

Schadt thinks the problem with J&J is a lack of transparency. 

Brandon Schadt: "Politics, money — a lot of people trying to make the right decision, but being stuck in their position of — am I being influenced by somebody to go one side or the other. No, no, I don't think anybody's going to say anything either if something went wrong, you know."

COVID-19 and the vaccines have revealed the hearts of many, and the U.S. bishops are no exception.

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, chairman of the bishops' Committee on Doctrine, had this to say, "Therefore, if one has the ability to choose a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna's vaccines should be chosen over Johnson & Johnson's," citing the latter's closer connection to abortion cell lines.

Yet, Cdl. Blase Cupich, one of the most powerful prelates in America, completely disagrees. 

Cdl. Blase Cupich: "No one has to choose. All the vaccines are morally acceptable."

Many of the faithful are not surprised with conflicting recommendations from different bishops. It's just the latest battleground of the ideological war inside the Church. 

In the United States alone in March and April of this year, 88 people died after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.


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