Wednesday, September 29, 2021

HEADLINES...SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles...Vaccine From God New York's Catholic governor preaches on the jabs.


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SEPTEMBER 29, 2021

Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles.

Vaccine From God
New York's Catholic governor preaches on the jabs. FULL STORY

UK Priest Uncancelled ​​​​
A university backpedals after rejecting a pro-life priest. FULL STORY

Polish Regions Vote LGBT​​​​​
Four regions accept LGBT ideology back after threats from Europe. FULL STORY

Priest Embezzles for Gay Sex Parties
An Italian priest is caught neck-deep in sex, drugs and stolen funds. FULL STORY

Parents Protest Public School Grooming
Texas parents are blasting a sexually explicit schoolbook. FULL STORY

Serving Privilege Pie 
Washington teachers lectured about white supremacy. FULL STORY

  • One school board tried shutting down a parent who was reading from the assigned curriculum text by proclaiming, "There are children present here!"

    Now, that's tone-deafness.

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        We ought to be testing every seminarian and every candidate for the seminary for HIV. If they test positive for HIV, that is prima facie evidence for a homosexual lifestyle, and they should be immediately rejected.

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            This Governor is actually worse than Cuomo, as a Catholic. Cuomo thought he was God and now this one thinks she is Jesus Christ and deserves Apostles. She is preaching heresy. Who would think that God would want anyone to use murdered babies to develop a vaccine or use it in the vaccine. Sorry, you are very wrong and you have not right to tell anyone they are stupid for not taking the vaccine.

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                VACCINE FROM GOD: Got two words for you Hochul, SHUT UP! You're not a doctor, not a preacher, not even smart. People suffering bad side effects from this 'experimental gene therapy' including loss of legs, temporary arm paralysis, death from blood clots, well, their relatives would slap your preachy nonsense down.
                And here we have another BAD Catholic....🩺💉🩹👎 A vaccine from God? That's a lie. This jab material comes from a female baby God wanted to live and not be used for research and experimentation. She needs a proper burial and so do your ridiculous comments. 👎
                UK PRIEST UNCANCELLED: That is wonderful news about this father. Bless you dear priest. I will remember you in my devotions along with all the persecuted priests. 🙏🇻🇦⛪🙏
                POLISH REGIONS VOTE LGBT: Oh my gosh! Withholding millions of Euros for not
                embracing mortal sins of body, soul, mind and spirit??? You EU are evil and nuts!
                Embracing the Culture of Death is poison and these souls need Reparative Therapy, not coddling of their sins. 👎
                PRIEST EMBEZZLES FOR GAY SEX PARTIES: Sex, drugs, stolen Church funds, not
                to mention this criminal is HIV positive.... This traitor to the Church should be defrocked, prosecuted, jailed and do severe penance for his many crimes. It
                appears he's happy with vengeance motives infecting other men. 👎
                PARENTS PROTEST PUBLIC SCHOOL GROOMING: Must say this lady who read from this filthy book was being cavalier about it. There wasn't enough squirming
                those wretched school board members should have done. 👎📕👎
                SERVING PRIVILEGE PIE: This cr*p is the Marxist-Dems putting out their sins for all of America to see. They are projecting EVERYTHING THEY STAND FOR and have been into for decades. Racism, white supremacy (K*K member Sen Robert Byrd group), hatred for those not into their cause, huckster pandering, bullying of
                Blacks and other minorities, the list is there for viewing with that putrid pyramid.
                Thanks for the reminder former Democrats. You also embrace the Culture of Death and Planned Parenthood racist, bigoted, eugenics garbage. May the harrassed public put two and two together and realize it! 👎👎👎

                Wednesday September 29th Feastdays: Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Archs.
                (New) & Dedication of the Basilica of St Michael the Archangel (530) Michaelmas Day (Trad. ) 😇😇😇💒

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