Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Download...PERMANENT SOCIALISM Leftists using China virus panic to push socialism. September 28, 2021 5 Comments

 The Download

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Leftists using China virus panic to push socialism.

September 28, 2021  5 Comments

Leftists using China virus panic to push socialism.

  • Yes, the people in Italy are upset, they are turning out but, frankly, what good does it do? The images are never shown on TV, so no one knows it's happening and, even if they did, most people would regard these people as "crazy anti-vaxers". I would also wager that most of the people you see protesting there have been double-jabbed and will also get the third shot - "Well, no, I really don't want to but how am I going to go skiing in December if I don't?"

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        I seem to be having a few problems when switching from the Evening News to The Download. Sound quality and picture quality drop and there are buffering problems. Anyone else experiencing this?

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            the essence of the dems platform is to eliminate borders and plants seeds for the next electorate...Deep state the courts and gov agencies....politicize the courts...cripple the economy and blue collar while running up the debt....ALL THIS IS TO SEIZE ASSETS AND REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH AND CREATE A WELFARE SOCIETY WITH THE GOV AS PEOPLES god...

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                Say "Hi" to the control room guys for me! They are adorable!

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                    The rabid insistence to get 100% of the world's population jabbed (unless you are an illegal coming into the U.S.) makes me think.....what do they know that we don't? The fact that the "vaccines" are abortion-tainted is enough for me to say "no"; but, if they weren't, I still would not get it because it is NOT necessary if you are under 70, healthy (no serious co-morbidities) and not obese. I think I will take my chances with getting the virus since my chance of recovery without medical intervention is 99.97%. What the heck is in those "vaccines"?

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                        word is they contain graphite, carbon particles that can be influenced by electro magnetic influence on a global scale...they also cause various diseases to arise to cut back on the population of the world...they help create an elite society and and controlled society that serves the elite society....agenda 21 that was created years ago and one of the steps toward cutting the worlds population by as much as agenda 21...

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