DEBT BOMB: Democrats’ MASSIVE Spending Bill Will
US budget For Generations
It’s the biggest welfare package in history, even bigger than Lyndon Johnson’s failed “Great Society” – a set of programs to end poverty and to end racial discrimination. … I kid you not. Medicaid and Medicare were implemented — step one in nationalizing medicine.
Biden’s trillion dollar communist coup.
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Democrats’ massive spending plans will blow up US budget for generations
President Joe Biden $3.5 trillion spending bill is going to “cost nothing.”
“It’s going to cost nothing,” President Biden said of the Democrats’ massive $3.5 trillion spending binge, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scrambling to pass this week.
Don’t believe it. The bill, which aims to move America closer to a European-style social-welfare state, will shorten the fuse on a debt bomb that’s already set to detonate.
Last year, lawmakers enacted $3 trillion in (mostly) justified deficit spending for a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. Yet the 2021 spending blowout is set to dwarf those costs. Lawmakers have already enacted a $1.9 trillion “stimulus” bill filled with unnecessary items like unemployment benefits that exceed the wages for many available jobs, and bailouts to states already running budget surpluses. The Senate has passed a $550 billion infrastructure bill that is financed mostly with gimmicks. Biden’s 8.4 percent discretionary spending increase would permanently raise the baseline by $1 trillion over the decade.
And now, Democrats are trying to pass a $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill that would raise deficits by as much as $1.75 trillion. Even those figures understate the bill’s true cost by at least $1 trillion by pretending that policies like the expanded child tax credit will expire within a few years, even though the Democrats’ policy is to make them permanent.
Add it all up, and congressional Democrats are set to commit $8 trillion in new spending over the decade, of which $6 trillion would be borrowed. That is quadruple the net cost of the 2017 tax cuts.
It would be enough money to eliminate the employee side of the payroll tax, or deposit $60,000 into each family’s bank account. Instead, it will be spent on a grab bag of long-standing liberal policies.
All this debt has a permanent cost. If interest rates ever nudge back up past 3 percent, this year’s $6 trillion borrowing spree will cost $180 billion in additional interest costs every year, forever. That’s $180 billion annually that could otherwise provide tax relief, assist veterans, or improve infrastructure. Instead, it will pay interest to bond holders. What a waste of tax dollars.
This year’s Democratic spending binge is not the end of the story. Biden still has $3 trillion in leftover campaign promises covering Social Security, health care, higher education and other issues. If his entire agenda is enacted, the national debt held by the public — which was just under $17 trillion before the pandemic — would reach $44 trillion a decade from now.
The long-term danger is that today’s irresponsible government borrowing is set to collide with 74 million baby boomers retiring into Social Security and Medicare systems that are projected by the Congressional Budget Office to run a $112 trillion cash shortfall over the next three decades, including the resulting budget interest costs.
All this debt is projected to make interest the largest item in the federal budget, consuming nearly half of all annual tax revenues within three decades. And these figures assume that interest rates still remain comparatively low. If rates exceed the CBO projections by even just one percentage point, it would add $30 trillion in interest costs over 30 years.
None of this is remotely sustainable. Which is why all of this new spending will eventually bring huge new taxes. Biden and congressional Democrats claim that all of their promises can be financed by taxing corporations and families earning over $400,000. Basic math shows otherwise. Even if progressives had the votes to raise corporate tax rates to 28 percent, slam American multinational companies, raise the top income tax rate back to 39.6 percent (or higher), impose Social Security taxes on high earners, steeply raise investment and estate taxes, and impose a wealth tax, those policies still could not fund the $8 trillion in total benefits promised in this year’s legislation.
Democrats crafting the reconciliation bill are learning that most of their “tax the rich” proposals are either unworkable, highly unpopular, or would not raise nearly as much revenue as promised. So they are already considering imposing new tobacco taxes in violation of their “tax only the rich” pledge.
It won’t stop there. Locking in all this new spending on top of rising Social Security and Medicare costs will likely push annual budget deficits past $2 trillion even during peace and prosperity. If Democratic spenders cannot tax the rich to pay for their historic spending surge, whom do you think they will come after next? European nations fund their social democracies by slamming their middle classes with large income, payroll and value-added taxes. America cannot fund a vast social democracy on the backs of the wealthiest 3 percent of taxpayers.
Once all that new spending is locked in, the middle class should protect their wallets. The bill is coming.
8.2 Trillion dollars, but claims it won't cost Americans a single nickle.
The 80,000 IRS agents and the plan to have any transaction over $600 to be reported are not meant to target the rich, they are coming for us.
President Trump was against it so he had to go.
Bidet claims it won't cost you a thing. LOL! It will cost you everything you own and more.
Bidet's job, in fact the whole purpose of his dubious presidency, is to precipitate the following:
· Collapse the supply chain, the dollar and ultimately the American economy.
· Collapse the American military and embolden enemy forces.
· Collapse the American healthcare system.
· Collapse the American border.
I've been watching these people for a bit now, and they have been pulling a lot of fast ones for a while now, and they have been doing a lot. They have us down now by a lot, less then I guess then 40% of the people that used to actually work and pay tax on a full time basis, the rest on the dole sitting at home and sucking up that government $$, just $ that is being printed out, devaluing the American dollar to start with. Fewer and fewer people actually paying tax means there is actually less real money for the government to actually SPEND....
Then, you have all these illegals coming in by the tens of thousands that are getting on the dole right off the bat, getting everything handed to them on a silver platter, stull our own people can't get given to them if they beg for it. Just handed to them....and then first choice of the best of everything, first in line over every American, even the vets.
Then you factor in things like the covid shots, people leaving jobs, cop, ems, fire, hospital positions rather then get the shot, leaving us more and more vulnerable to a lot of things, and I know darn well you of all people know what I'm talking about without going into real detail, esp. concerning flu season about to go into full swing as well as to what's coming across the borders right now, as well as what Catholic backstabbers is bringing across the country right now, and bringing into each and every state (and my state, Maine, in Portland, I just found out, is about to get 100 or more Afghani refugees....just wonderful!), all of this goes to hurting us even more....
Then we have the issue of gas prices and diesel hurting truck drivers, and those we are now in short supply of. And they are hard to replace. Mandatory shots are making them hard to replace, as well as the fact that it costs about $3,000 to train one of those, and you have to foot that bill yourself if you want to learn how to be one, much less take the shot. then, even if you want to be an independent driver, you need to get your own truck, and good luck with that, takes real money to do that, and how many people have that kind of cash just laying around?
So, kind of screwed there, right? That all being said, is exactly why on both coasts we have cargo ships by the dozens right now off the coasts in a holding pattern that can't dock to be unloaded full of cargo because there are not nearly enough trucks to load that stuff to take it where it needs to go. And even if there were, there are not enough people to work the warehouses to unload those trucks, then reload the smaller ones to take that same stuff to the local stores for people to buy it once it can get on the shelves (back to what I said once already) people are getting paid to stay home and sit on their backsides....think I said that, anyway.), so the trucks not withstanding, we would still have something of a problem.
It's really not Biden, he's just a freaking puppet, and has no idea what's going on, he just works for ice cream, it's the Globalist idiots that are behind him.....
Now, that all being said....What we have now before us, with all of this, and that's just the big stuff, or some of it anyway, is the shutdown looming. Pelosi has said a few things already, and I have noticed that when she opens her yap and starts to spew, she has a habit of telling us exactly what's is going to come, and she likes to brag. She did this several times before the election prior to ousting Trump, tipped the hand, and what happened? EXACTLY what she said was going to happen, and the GOP I believe knew she was telling them, and they did nothing.
She said flat out about the arrows in the quiver, the Trump was out one way or the other, said that they had the military in their pocket, more or less, and that turned out to be true, and truth be told I pretty much had that figured out long before she said that. Also more or less alluded to the way the vote was going to go, as far as he count, it would look like Trump won at first, then the count would change....and what happened?
Now, she said flat out, if the GOP didn't play nice and own part of the debt ceiling, which she knows full well they won't, that even though the Dems have the votes to pull the rabbit out, they will not raise it. Period. Now, that means a couple things. First thing she said is that Money will have to come from a few areas right off, by mid October, cuts would have to be made. This was not a idle threat knowing her. Woman is pure evil, and she WILL so this.
By mid October, she WILL cut Social Security checks, there just will be no $ for it, as well as all Military bennie checks, that's pensions as well as disability, and Medicare. she also mentioned 'other things as well', but was not specific, but thinking that would be any State medical care, like say Mainecare, and each state has something like that, funding most like would get cut, Food Stamps, Housing Subsidies, and so on.
Then by the end of October the National Debt will have been defaulted on. I'm thinking by then the Market will have crashed, and either way, that right there is the end game that they are looking for, putting and end to the American dollar. They want to get that digital dollar going as soon as possible, rest of the world is ready, and we all the only thing holding them back. Like I said they now have the perfect economic storm set up to do it, and I just don't see then not doing it now. Might be we get some short reprieve, but I really don't see it. And when they do, they break what's left of the military as well.
I also think we will be in for a period of some chaos in some areas, and might have a bit of Martial law in some areas as there will most like be some rioting and looting and such when supply lines and so on get disrupted between now and when they get the new economy started. Gonna be an ugly time man, gonna be ugly.
Under the SINGLE party system that has in power for decades, we have seen the nation slowly turned into a police state by politicians that survive only on the bribes they take in daily.
Washington has been allowed to expand year after year and decade after decade without a single shot fired.
Now this government is literally killing Americans by the hundreds of thousands using their OWN money and STILL not a peep from the citizens!
What will it take?
Our founders would have gone to war and abolished this government decades ago!
Oh, and this won't "blow up the budget for years to come." It will blow up the economy.
There are only three ways to pay down a National Debt:
Spend Less
Tax More
Default on parts of it
Of course the fourth way is "some combination," which is just semantics.
Not one of those will result in anything other than economic catastrophe, given the clowns that we call "leaders." Spend even 10 cents less on medicaid and blacks will, literally, burn the cities. Tax more people and you lose your voter base.
Default? Even a bit? Oh, THAT will be grand. "Full faith and credit" right down the toilet.
Gonne be fun, fun, fun, because daddy is most definitely taking the T-Notes away. If interest rates spike? Even MORE fun! If they don't? Then how to rein this in?
Fun, fun, fun!!!
We'll hear and see fun-terms, like "taper," and "Haircut" and "Fair Share," but they are all part of the sh*tshow.
Trump never even mentioned this, and you let him off the hook. Very few people even dared speak of it, but he did it hugely. Made Soetoro look like an amateur, by comparison.
Bai Din? The senile rapist doesn't know which shoe goes on what foot. What you are watching here is the MaligNancy show, and nobody is even trying to stop her... but then, again, on what grounds? "Our guy did it," so why can't theirs?
Welcome to the end of your children's future. Nice job, fanbois and girls. I hope you enjoyed the illusion of "great again."