Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Biden’s Taliban: ‘No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran.’ By Pamela Geller - on September 28, 2021


Biden’s Taliban: ‘No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran.’

Qur’anically-sanctioned dismemberment, torture and executions, which had greatly decreased during the American occupation, have recommenced in accordance with Islamic law.

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1 day ago
. BRITISH media is starting to question the 2020 Elections.

Image Screen-Hunter-202 in Tnn Dll's images album

You have to use the archive link below since Facebook and the Times keep preventing the article from being shared.

1 day ago
Maajid Nawaz has been trying to share this article on Twitter, but the Times of London keeps changing the link on him. 3 or more times now. And Facebook blocked the article.

So Mr. Nawaz took screenshots and is referring people to the archive link.

1 day ago
This has been their practice in the US for many years.

Dearborne Michigan is a prime example since it is a mostly muslim city run by muslims.

Police allow sharia law to exist and merely turn a blind eye to honor killings, beatings, and rapes because theynow have a muslim police chief as well.
Felix 1999
22 hours ago
It's here too! A Muslim leader tried to cut off the hand of a suspected thief who was in attendance at a mosque in Philadelphia for stealing money from prayer jars. . The only thing that saved the guy from totally losing his hand was the fact that the machete was dull. That was back in 2014.
Merv Mitchell, 37, (a convert) ,was arrested Thursday night when police executed a search warrant at Masjid Ar-Razaqq Ul-Karim in the 1100 block of North 63d Street, said Lt. John Walker of Southwest Detectives.

The attack happened after a prayer service Monday morning. Mitchell, also known as Mabul Shoatz, accused the 46-year-old mosque member of the theft.

The accused immediately denied it, but to no avail. Mitchell and the mosque's imam carried the accused down a flight of stairs to the backyard of the mosque, a converted house, where Mitchell also lives, Walker said.

They put the victim's wrist on a log, and Mitchell "swung at his wrist, cut through his skin, and cut his tendons, but didn't make it all the way" because the blade was dull, Walker said.

The victim was treated at Mercy Philadelphia Hospital and will require reconstructive surgery.

Mitchell was charged with aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, and related offenses. Police found the machete during the search.
Felix 1999
22 hours ago
What's even worse it the Bidet administration knew about the attack and did nothing but appeal to the Taliban to stop it and of course they didn't approve that so thirteen people were murdered. They were warned to close the Abbey Gate to thwart the attack. It's a Benghazi repeat only worse. We abandoned thousands of Americans there and flew Muslims out. America last again!

Meanwhile Blinkin, our Secretary of State, worries about diversity - women having dominate roles in the new Taliban government in Afghanistan.

Felix 1999
1 day ago
Did anyone who is rational expect anything different?

As for us ... this is a timeless rule of thumb. Bidet it determined to bring in at least 100,000 of them and that will not include later chain migration or those that are encouraged to apply for refugee status at mission and our embassies in the world. They purposely destroy their paperwork and you know no vetting of significance is being done for Muslims coming here on anyone strolling in at our border.

If this is useful - circulate it. Click on it to enlarge it. Inform the idiots out there.

5 hours ago
this guy is correct. it's a closed society. we ran away. they took it over. it's theirs. my issue is what the hell are they doing here in our free western nation. why do we have a treacherous subversive fake president and a dumb low intelligence vp bringing in the enemies of the state. no different than obama hussein and his red carpet for the tribal somalis and their vicious anti america anti semite anti christian omar who is not here legally yet sits in our congress with a platform to spew her projectile vomit. we are not governed by the consent of the governed. that means we are no longer a republic. we had better do something about it. now.
13 hours ago
A business-like group these Talibans....according to sleepy Joe
10 hours ago
Just looking at the above picture of this filthy rag headed inbreed i can just imagine what kind of "Businessman" he is.

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