Wednesday, September 29, 2021

New York Times FINALLY Corrects Lie That Border Patrol Used Reins To ‘Whip’ Haitian Migrants & REPORT: Trucker Blockade Developing, Ohio State Highway Patrol on Notice


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This infamous jihadi has prayed for Allah to “exterminate the Zionists.”

Arnoud van Doorn, the the leader of The Hague Unity Party, is a Muslim convert. Where did he get these ideas? Is his mosque under investigation? What is being done to ...


UNDER SIEGE: NYC Mayor Wilhelm De Blasio: Teachers Have Until Friday to get Vaccine or They Are Fired

The story notes the heartless warning comes “after a three-judge panel from the Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the city’s vaccine mandate can move forward. The ruling came two days earlier from when the panel was expected to hold a ...

REPORT: Trucker Blockade Developing, Ohio State Highway Patrol on Notice

Frankly, national strikes are the answer to the fraudulent regime. Peaceful men and women don't want violence. Disruption.

REPORT: Potential Ohio Trucker Blockade Developing, State Highway Patrol on Notice

By Daniel G, We Love Trump, ...

Sports Fans Aren’t The Only Ones Ramping Up Their ‘F-ck Joe Biden’ Chants

It's a national movement now.

New Yorkers against vaccine mandates chants “Fuck Joe Biden and de Blasio!”

— Elad Eliahu (@elaadeliahu) September 27, 2021

'F*ck Joe Biden' Chant Breaks Out ...

NY’s Unelected Gov. Hochul: ‘God wants you to be vaccinated’, “I need you to be my apostles.”

Ignoramuses with absolute power. Godless Democrats invoking their deity – government control. Every communist totalitarian regime has done this – remove G-d, replace with government.

'Yes, I know you're vaccinated. they're the smart ones, ...

New York Times FINALLY Corrects Lie That Border Patrol Used Reins To ‘Whip’ Haitian Migrants

I am surprised they ran the correction. The far-left paper is pure propaganda — news and analysis went the way of the horse and buggy.

NYT Corrects Claim That Border Patrol Used Reins To ‘Whip’ Haitian Migrants

Large Migration Surge ...

Pfizer Will Ask U.S. FDA for Approval of Its “Vaccines” for Six Months – Two Year-Olds (Children Under 10 Don’t Even Have Flu Receptors)

Child murderers. They know.

SHOCKING VIDEO: Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ Covid Vaccine – “Unknown Repercussions”

Pfizer CEO says company will ask for FDA approval of its COVID vaccine for children aged ...

Lt. Col. Scheller Incarcerated and Sent to the Brig for Speaking Out against Weak US Generals for Surrendering Afghanistan, Stranding Americans and Arming Taliban Terrorists

Biden Democrats want to do to the military what the Taliban did to our 13 fallen soldiers. US Troops’ Rage At Their Leaders Grows Unless There’s Deep Reform

Marine Battalion Commander FIRED After Calling Out ‘Inept’ Military Leadership ...

DEBT BOMB: Democrats’ MASSIVE Spending Bill Will 💥 BLOW UP 💥 US budget For Generations

It's the biggest welfare package in history, even bigger than Lyndon Johnson's failed “Great Society” – a set of programs to end poverty and to end racial discrimination. … I kid you not. Medicaid and Medicare were implemented — step one ...

Biden’s Taliban: ‘No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran.’

Qur’anically-sanctioned dismemberment, torture and executions, which had greatly decreased during the American occupation, have recommenced in accordance with Islamic law.

The Taliban has been telling the world that it is a new, improved, ...

SHOCKING VIDEO: Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ Covid Vaccine – “Unknown Repercussions”

Adults don't need it either. This was always about control.

Durrant: “If you can’t work, I feel like that’s punishment enough…..Only way people really act and comply is if it affects their pockets, like if you’re working for a big ...

Prayer in Public Schools Is Back…as Long as It’s Prayer to Allah

Anywhere Western law and Shariah law conflict, it is always Western law that must give way. California Schools Prepare for Influx of Afghan Students, Offer ‘Culturally Appropriate’ Halal Meals, Muslim Prayer Rooms

Prayer in Public Schools ...

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