the Vortex

The beginnings of spiritual warfare.
September 29, 2021 14 CommentsToday's Vortex is in honor of today's feast, St. Michael and the Archangels. This was the very first show ever produced by St. Michael's Media/Church Militant.
CatholicFirefighter • 17 minutes ago If I may offer this while being cautious about venturing into spiritual pride, I pray the St. Michael prayer 5-10 times a day. I NEED to!
Fish • 34 minutes ago Wow! What an outstanding "first" show! Michael Voris (and those excellent folks he's surrounded himself with) have never received nearly enough credit for first rate theological instruction and sorely needed Catholic catechesis.
There's SO much more to Michael Voris than the forward-leaning personality his detractors so love to pick at.
In my opinion, no hyperbole intended, he is on par with (a lay version of) Blessed Fulton Sheen and is precisely what Abp Sheen prophesied the world will need today.
* Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio
Char1871 • 2 hours ago • edited Today is my husband's birthday--on the Feast of St. Michael. I wish I had named one of my sons Michael. I know I have a Guardian Angel because he has saved me countless times.
CatholicFirefighter Char1871 • 35 minutes ago I'm sure you named your children exactly what God wanted you to name them! And may God bless our Guardian Angels, we sin, yet they still remain by our side.✝️
CG1066 • 2 hours ago When I was 3 I was ready to jump off from a bus (ran to the front door as it opened) and heard a voice inside my head "STOP" so incredibly loud like thunder I thought it was my angel. My mother taught me the guardian angel prayer which we recited every night. If I had not "stopped" I would of jumped right in front of a speeding car.
CatholicFirefighter CG1066 • 28 minutes ago Your story gave me the chills (in a very good way!). I also experienced a time when I heard the word "STOP". It was clear and commanding. I do not know if it was my guardian angel or if it was God Himself. But I will never, ever forget it.
JoeBoomer • 2 hours ago Needed to hear about Angels. I saw an Angel once, on a bitter cold morning. Not sure about the reason for the visit, but I appreciated the encounter. Thank you Jesus for your support.
CatholicFirefighter JoeBoomer • 25 minutes ago Maybe it was to give you spiritual comfort, either for that time or in the future. Whatever the case, blessings be to God!
CatholicFirefighter Melanie • 26 minutes ago If he feels comfortable sharing that, I would like to know as well!
Jeanne L • 3 hours ago • edited A blessed feast day to you, MV, and the apostolate.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!
Michelle Campbell • 8 hours ago Wonderful replay on St Michael and the Angels!
Very appropriate as this is his feastday and the Archangels.
Incredible insights into angelology, the study of their creation and function.
'God made the Angels to show him splendor' said by St Thomas More is beautiful to contemplate.
Michael, you sure packed alot of knowledge into this episode.
Hard to believe this was recorded in 2006 was it?
Frank from Dearborn Heights was sure a fixture on these episodes.
My two Angels have been such a blessing and comfort to me and I have apologized to them just lately for all the many years l hadn't thought of them at all!
It's embarrassing but I'm making up for it now.
The long version of the St Michael prayer composed by Pope Leo Xlll is a gem
to be recited along with the St Michael prayer in Latin.
Thank you most Blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ and may
we be worthy of His promises!
Wednesday September 29th Feastdays: Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Archs. (New) & Dedication of the Basilica of St Michael the Archangel (530) Michaelmas
Day (Trad) 😇😇😇💒
If I may offer this while being cautious about venturing into spiritual pride, I pray the St. Michael prayer 5-10 times a day. I NEED to!
Wow! What an outstanding "first" show! Michael Voris (and those excellent folks he's surrounded himself with) have never received nearly enough credit for first rate theological instruction and sorely needed Catholic catechesis.
There's SO much more to Michael Voris than the forward-leaning personality his detractors so love to pick at.
In my opinion, no hyperbole intended, he is on par with (a lay version of) Blessed Fulton Sheen and is precisely what Abp Sheen prophesied the world will need today.
* Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio
Today is my husband's birthday--on the Feast of St. Michael. I wish I had named one of my sons Michael. I know I have a Guardian Angel because he has saved me countless times.
CatholicFirefighter Char1871 • 35 minutes ago I'm sure you named your children exactly what God wanted you to name them! And may God bless our Guardian Angels, we sin, yet they still remain by our side.✝️
When I was 3 I was ready to jump off from a bus (ran to the front door as it opened) and heard a voice inside my head "STOP" so incredibly loud like thunder I thought it was my angel. My mother taught me the guardian angel prayer which we recited every night. If I had not "stopped" I would of jumped right in front of a speeding car.
CatholicFirefighter CG1066 • 28 minutes ago Your story gave me the chills (in a very good way!). I also experienced a time when I heard the word "STOP". It was clear and commanding. I do not know if it was my guardian angel or if it was God Himself. But I will never, ever forget it.
Needed to hear about Angels. I saw an Angel once, on a bitter cold morning. Not sure about the reason for the visit, but I appreciated the encounter. Thank you Jesus for your support.
CatholicFirefighter JoeBoomer • 25 minutes ago Maybe it was to give you spiritual comfort, either for that time or in the future. Whatever the case, blessings be to God!
CatholicFirefighter Melanie • 26 minutes ago If he feels comfortable sharing that, I would like to know as well!
A blessed feast day to you, MV, and the apostolate.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle!
Wonderful replay on St Michael and the Angels!
Very appropriate as this is his feastday and the Archangels.
Incredible insights into angelology, the study of their creation and function.
'God made the Angels to show him splendor' said by St Thomas More is beautiful to contemplate.
Michael, you sure packed alot of knowledge into this episode.
Hard to believe this was recorded in 2006 was it?
Frank from Dearborn Heights was sure a fixture on these episodes.
My two Angels have been such a blessing and comfort to me and I have apologized to them just lately for all the many years l hadn't thought of them at all!
It's embarrassing but I'm making up for it now.
The long version of the St Michael prayer composed by Pope Leo Xlll is a gem
to be recited along with the St Michael prayer in Latin.
Thank you most Blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ and may
we be worthy of His promises!
Wednesday September 29th Feastdays: Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael Archs. (New) & Dedication of the Basilica of St Michael the Archangel (530) Michaelmas
Day (Trad) 😇😇😇💒