Thursday, September 30, 2021

HEADLINES...SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 Get briefed on today's top stories with Kim Tisor...TRANSGENDER INFILTRATION Archbishop suggests DNA tests for seminary


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SEPTEMBER 30, 2021

Get briefed on today's top stories with Kim Tisor.

Will ban accounts posting so-called vaccine misinformation. FULL STORY

Fr. Kapaun funeral Mass encourages Kansas' faithful. FULL STORY

Catholic health care worker refutes Francis on vaccines. FULL STORY

Archbishop suggests DNA tests for seminary. FULL STORY

Spanish bishops oppose list for pro-life doctors. FULL STORY

Claims it is 'critical truth theory.' FULL STORY

  • Well, so much for watching any of Will Smith's movies. More time to read.

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      Questioned on why she didn't follow the pope's vax approval, she said " I think the Pope is a hypocrite."
      Could it be that the government is lying when it says the Covid Vax is safe.
      Watched the project veritas undercover video of government not reporting side effects. EAU vax can not be sued. Will the Truth come out ?

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          Population Control Freaks using vicious chemicals from aborted young.
          And Bill Gates, Criminal Soros and the rest of these Leftist Billionaires don't care who suffers or who is eliminated, especially in third world countries where untold minerals and other wealth are coveted. Case in point, Afghanistan.
          What's standing in the way? People, families, cultures, tribes, 'the unwashed',
          'useless eaters', the nameless, faceless crowds.
          Wonder if Gates, Soros and the rest of these lethal Clowns 🤡 will enjoy Satan's special torture in hell...endless JABS! 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉
          Unless they repent. Always possible. 🙏💒🙏

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            ACTOR PROMOTES CRT: Did your I.Q. suddenly fall Mr Smith? This is Marxist hateful propaganda put out by black racists. Are you claiming to be 'racist' now?
            This garbage is supported by Marxist-Dems, the KKK Party who wanted to keep slaves and supports Planned Parenthood, a racist, bigoted, eugenics cancer that,
            if they could have, they would've tried to convince your black mother to abort you in 1968! Rethink and delve deeper into this issue. 👎
            PRO-LIFE REGISTRY: 'Your medical papers, please'. This Culture of Death never sleeps strong arming people trained to follow the oath to 'first do no harm'.
            Harrassment, unnecessary harrassment and these folk make it clear they will NOT
            support ending life no matter how small. 👼👶👼
            TRANSGENDER INFILTRATION: Oh heavens! Satan never sleeps neither do his minions hell bent on destroying the Catholic priesthood. The answer 'women' is NO!!!! The Catholic Church does not have the authority to ordain women 'priests'.
            So, go off and become priestesses in your pagan religions or wicca if you prefer.👎
            THE HYPOCRITE POPE: Totally agree. Bergoglio prefers his earthy projects just to please a false goddess made of wood. PF, look in any Catholic children's Bible and there may be pictures of idols to teach children the difference between them and the Queen of Heaven who IS real. You are embarrassing yourself, NOT the Petrine Office. Your constant harping about getting the 'jab' is also tiresome and unnecessary. 👎
            THOUSANDS GATHER FOR G.I. PRIEST: What a marvelous following this martyr has and his devotion to Our Blessed Savior, precious. He and those he served are resting in peace. 👍✝️💒🇺🇸🪖✝️👍
            YOUTUBE CRACKDOWN: How fortunate that mankind doesn't need YOUTUBE to
            relay accurate information about COVID19, how to fight it, how to stay healthy
            and what to do to recover. 👍

            Thursday September 30th Feastday: St Jerome (420) Pr., D., translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible (New. Trad.) ✝️📕✝️

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