Thursday, September 30, 2021

MIC'D UP...EVIDENCE FOR THE FAITH ​ The idiocy of denying Christ. September 19, 2021 17 Comments


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The idiocy of denying Christ.

September 19, 2021  17 Comments

In this week's Mic'd Up, Michael Voris interviews Dr. Scott French, a board certified emergency physician. Dr. French is also on the board of directors at Magis Center, an apostolate led by Fr. Robert Spitzer that's dedicated to science, faith and reason.

  • Watched this again, loving every moment!
    Great interview Gentlemen! 🙏🇻🇦💒🙏

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            Great interview. Both the Eucharistic Miracles and the studies on the Shroud invigorate the soul.

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                Those that try to deny that Christ existed are usually of the mindset that there is no absolute truth and that "truth" depends upon each person's own feelings. However, when a person, upon examining the evidence, is convinced that Christ really existed, their opinion is utterly rejected by these same believers in a subjective "truth". In short, even those who profess to reject absolute truth, realizes that it does exist by the fact that it is something they spend their entire lives fighting against.

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                    Wonderful presentation about Our Lord's burial cloth!
                    Have the DVD's 'The Silent Witness' and the latest information on the Shroud
                    by Dr John Jackson and his wife Rebecca who run the Turin Shroud Center of
                    Colorado located in Colorado Springs, CO. His DVD set is great and l believe you
                    showed a small clip of his center.
                    Have watched 'The Silent Witness' off and on since the late 1990's and the tracing
                    of its trek from ancient Judea to Odessa to Constantinople to Europe has been remarkable. Very well explained.
                    'I Am the Light of the World'? No doubt!
                    At His birth, He passed through Mary's body. I saw a year or so ago a drawing
                    depicting this event and it stunned me! I believe it.
                    Since Our Lord can pass through walls, He can pass through His Beloved Mother
                    in birth, thus preserving her virginity! Dr Max Frei's flora and fauna research REALLY added to the Shroud's locations. And let's not forget Secundo Pia who photographed the Shroud in 1898
                    and was stunned when he discovered the Divine Image was a negative. 📸
                    I Am the Lord. Come, discover Me, learn of Me.... 🙏💒🇻🇦💒🙏

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                        This helps me understand the virgin birth better, Catholic art of the nativity, a supernatural manifestation of our Lord on the Feast of the Epiphany in the Sacred Heart and a dream involving the resurrection. One begets an understanding of another, another, another, another and another. And this isn't the end of it either. And I've even had experiences with the UFOs, exploding meteors (bolides) and cosmic lights for those who think that never happens to Christians. Prayer is powerful.

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                            Great interview. I have been reading about the shroud for 30 years and there has never been any doubt that it is the image of Jesus Christ. I did not know the tissue in the Eucharist was from the heart. Fascinating and I look forward to watching the movie Eucharistic Miracles.

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                                Great jaw-dropping report!! I had goose bumps while watching and listening to this!! 😮🙏

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                                    You need to have someone give a talk on the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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                                        I would like some explanation on how and why Michael said that our Lord passed through our Lady and was not born in the usual manner. Michael also said, some time ago, that our Lady would have been surprised at the birth of our Lord because Jesus just "showed up". Kind of like "ta-da", and that she experienced no pain based on God telling Eve that, as a result of her fall from grace (Mary never fell out of grace), she would cry out in pain during the birth of her children. A lot of that doesn't make sense and seems to contradict other experiences of our Lady and Jesus as portrayed in scripture.

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                                            The Old Testament story of Adam and Eve
                                            is an allegorical explanation of pain and suffering caused by sin.
                                            There’s no sin committed in having a natural birth.
                                            Mary was born without original sin as was Jesus, whose Father is in heaven.
                                            All pain is not the result of a curse from a merciful God.
                                            God’s mercy birthed Jesus through the very human Mary.

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                                                One of the earliest debates in the Church (when circumstances finally allowed the luxury of having such debates) was whether or not Mary gave birth to Jesus in the conventional way. There is no defined doctrine about this, of which I am aware, except that Mary remained a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus. Mary was and is a perpetual virgin. This appears to mean not only that she never had sexual relations, but that she also remained physically intact. There is a miracle involved here whether Jesus passed through Mary's birth canal, or not. Again, the opinion that Michael has expressed which has Jesus passing directly from Mary's womb to the outside world by some extraordinary process -- bypassing Mary's birth canal -- is an opinion that was and is wide-spread among theologians. As far as I know (someone please correct me if I am wrong) it is not a defined dogma.

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                                                  If I understand your question about Mary giving birth to Jesus. He was not delivery through the birth canal. Mary, according to Catholic Teaching, remained a virgin before, during and after the birth of Jesus. Jesus was conceived through the Holy Spirit and so he would be born in a way that did not violate Mary's virginity.

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                                                      Because Mary had no Original Sin on her soul she was not subject to the same trials of Faith we suffer. Her pain was inflicted upon her body and soul by the actions of sinful men just as Christ's suffering was the result of man's sin and hatred of God. I like the legend of the midwife who's withered hand was cured when she attended the nativity and later turned up in Britain as an acquaintance of Aramaus owner of tin mines in the British isles.

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                                                        I found this very interesting and well done.

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