Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Massachusetts State Troopers Resign En Masse By Pamela Geller - on September 27, 2021 HOW THE LEFT DESTROYS THE NATION


Massachusetts State Troopers Resign En Masse

The Democrats are deliberately destroying the country. And they’re not even pretending anymore. Things don’t just happen, they are made to happen. Labor shortages, food shortages, gas shortages and dictorial mandates – it’s the bloody Soviet Union.

Mind you this is happening across Europe:

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Massachusetts State Troopers resign en masse…

By Kane, Citizen Free Press, September 27, 2021:

Troopers are not happy with Charlie Baker

The State Police Association of Massachusetts said dozens of troopers have submitted their resignation papers as a result of the Vaccine mandate. The state is requiring all executive department employees to show proof of vaccination by October 17.

The State Police union released a statement following the judge’s decision:

Throughout Covid, we have been on the front lines protecting the citizens of Massachusetts and beyond. Simply put, all we are asking for are the same basic accommodations that countless other departments have provided to their first responders, and to treat a Covid related illness as a line of duty injury.

The State Police are already critically short staffed and acknowledged this by the unprecedented moves which took troopers from specialty units that investigate homicides, terrorism, computer crimes, arsons, gangs, narcotics, and human trafficking, and returned them to uniformed patrol.

Full story with photos at DailyMail…

Here’s the full event:




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1 day ago
“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government.”
  • Thomas Jefferson,
1 day ago
Eeefff Joe Biden has become a national chant. Even if I don't use that language in front of people, I can't help but giving a little chuckle when I hear it.

Croation Jeff Kuhner has done the yeoman's work in exposing the voting fraud and pointing out the problems with our new gene therapy and the Constitutional and medical problems with it.
1 day ago
Mandates of ANY kind are illegal PERIOD.

And when your government is as deeply evil and corrupt as ours, i will NEVER trust ANYTHING they or their fake experts say.

Why do they allow women to murder babies yet i have no choice over MY OWN life?

Sorry but i will NEVER do ANYTHING i know is wrong or suspect and no power on earth can force me to do otherwise
1 day ago
You must be so much happier now that Texas allows women no choice over OUR own lives, you woman-hating s.o.b.
1 day ago
It is NOT about the life of the woman it is about the LIFE OF THE BABY. G-d gives life and only G-d can take that Life away. Man nor Woman has no right to kill what G-d has created. If women do not want babies they need to keep their legs together or take birth control pills.
1 day ago
But recent legislation to override state pro-life bills as emanating from the far-Left controlled House aren't about women's health either. They are about further spreading the tentacles of the culture of death to the rest of the country and, with it, fostering an even greater depraved indifference, callous disregard, cavalier disdain and gross disrespect and hostility toward life. They are about furthering a Wild West approach to abortion regulation (i.e. none at all), of the type that enabled the Butcher of Brotherly Love, Kermit Gosnell, to get away with his numerous crimes in Philly for as long as he did.

I hold the abortion culture, and their overall message denigrating motherhood and children (as well as those politicians who do their bidding, including the current New York governatrix who's nothing more than Andrew Cuomo in a skirt), personally culpable for and complicit in such cases where a young mother murders her baby by strangulation, smothering, suffocation, or throwing out of a high-story window. This culture did a lot to convince Casey Anthony to murder her daughter, Caylee, in 2008, given that what the media claimed about her attitude towards her toddler mirrored exactly Planned Parenthood and NARAL talking points about children and motherhood. (It didn't help, either, that she was a selfish, irresponsible you-know-what who only cared about living for herself in the moment, obsessed with club-hopping, partying all night and promiscuous sex around the clock - what the Left thinks all women should aspire to.) Many young mothers caught after murdering their babies claim that they had no other option. Of course not: Planned Parenthood, with a little help from the likes of Google and Facebook, seek to ensure women have NO other option or alternative to abortion out there, by their refusal to carry ads for pro-life crisis pregnancy centers which they have conspired for years to drive out of business. They have also conspired:
  • To completely and totally crush, destroy and silence the entire pro-life movement, even so far as to tacitly approve, condone and in some cases even sanction violence and death threats against pro-life advocates (one of whom, Denise McAllister, was subjected to such death threats in summer 2018 that she and her family had to be forced into hiding, and under 24/7 police protection)
  • To outlaw the use of ultrasound machines in all women's health clinics; they know full well that a pregnant woman who has no access to such machines is far more susceptible to being strong-armed and coerced into having an abortion
  • To cut off any and all funding of neonatal research to develop medical procedures designed to affirm life (i.e. as in Texas in 2017 when a pregnant woman who carried an unborn baby with spina bifida, underwent extremely delicate microsurgery to correct that condition so the baby could be born healthy; while I was glad for this, I was also angry that had this woman gone to a Planned Parenthood clinic, that baby would have been aborted first thing); the last thing they want is for technology to be developed for women who truly are "at risk" from a pregnancy, to be able to save both the mother's and baby's life, instead insisting on a "zero-sum" "either the baby dies or you do" mentality
  • To cultivate and procure a Wild West regulatory environment, as encapsulated above
All of which proves that to the Left, "a woman's right to choose" begins and ends with abortion. They have abandoned any pretense about "safe, legal and rare" with all that.

Worse, abortion has degenerated into yet another "leg" in the stool of what has been termed the Great White Replacement, along with unsustainably low birth rates (which abortion has also played a part in bringing about) and the massive Third World immigration being encouraged and furthered by the treasonous, seditious, criminal Biden regime. In other words, abortion is a major factor in why the white population in America has dwindled to below 60% as per the 2020 Census.
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The same people who shout, my body, my choice, want to remove choice in every other regard.
1 day ago
Even with abortion, as I noted. The Left seeks to make it so abortion is the ONLY "choice."
william carr
8 hours ago
Men create babies and 'god' has nothing to do with it. Men however do not carry the child for nine months and then give birth with all its attendant discomforts. A few seconds is all the man's contribution. If men's contribution was nine months their opinions would be much different I can assure you
4 hours ago
Sure.... yeah right. Where do you think LIFE comes from? Can you keep yourself alive, can you make your heart beat? Can you keep every organ in your system functioning perfectly forever? NO you can't. Even Scientist today admit there is a Divine Power that created and designed this Universe. Your Idiot! === Even G-d says so...

Psalm 53:1
1) A brutish fool tells himself,
“There isn’t any God.”
Such people are depraved, all their deeds are vile,
not one of them does what is good.
Felix 1999
1 day ago
How come the baby never has a choice? I know we disagree on that but there is another side to it. If I was a developing baby, I wouldn't want to be literally dismembered like that and I am sure you wouldn't want that either.

As you know, that baby was conceived by two adults. The baby had no choice in that. Whether it was conceived in love or by force, it doesn't deserve a heinous form of capital punishment. I honestly can't tell the difference between a baby conceived in love vs one conceived by rape or incest. I guarantee you, that baby wants to live and be loved too!

Use birth control and have control! There is always abstaining ... I know you won't like that but some people do.
1 day ago
That's the other thing - abortion is extremely selfish. Everything, even the language - "MY body, MY choice, MY this, MY that - ME, ME, ME, ME, ME! It's all about ME!"
Donald Pugh
23 hours ago
It is all about the right to sin without consequences!
21 hours ago
Exactly Donald.... When we go back to the Words of G-d in the Old Testament we find that all those who murdered their babies on the altars of the pagan gods were all destroyed.... there is no trace of those nations now.... And this shows just how. much G-d hates sacrificing His babies to the gods, He scattered into Exile His Own People for doing just that.... sacrificing their children to the gods. Today they are sacrificing their babies to the gods of selfishness and greed. Oh they can't have a baby that would mean they can't fit into their skinny jeans. Or they just can't afford it.... or it is just not convenient. Than they should have never spread their legs.

NO WOMAN on this earth has the RIGHT to murder an innocent baby.... G-d gives Life and only G-d has the Authority to take that Life away.

I am so proud of the States who are fighting this because the one things that G-d says is .... IF my people who are called by My Name will TURN from their WICKED WAYS and REPENT.... THEN and only THEN will HE hear from Heaven and Heal their Land.

2 Chronicles 7:13
13 If I shut up the sky, so that there is no rain; or if I order locusts to devour the land; or if I send an epidemic of sickness among my people; 14* then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.*

American has best be listening to the G-d of Israel, He is not playing games with this world....
Felix 1999
1 day ago
Yes it is.
Abortion is often used as a convenience.
1 day ago
We're suffering from a demographic winter .It is not over population that is the problem.
1 day ago
That's what I was saying, abortion serving as a form of genocide by attrition.
Felix 1999
1 day ago
It just gets worse everyday!
PP cosmetic surgery!
Women DO have a choice over their own lives. They can chose to use any contraception they want. They are also free to travel to any state that still allows women to murder their unborn baby. Texas heartbeat law brings continuity with all other laws that state you are guilty of murder if the person you harm dies. Science now clearly documents a baby in utero is a separate and unique person. Texas law will help support women during pregnancy and with adoption services if desired.
1 day ago
That's another thing pro-abortion extremists are out to destroy - adoption services. One way they seek that is to bar heterosexual married couples from consideration for adopting foster kids - and an insistence that such kids ONLY be placed in same-sex households. As I said, the abortion culture wants NO such other options available, which is why I say that to them, "a woman's right to choose" begins and ends with abortion - and which is why their anti-life, pro-death agenda is so insidious.
21 hours ago
You are very right Doreen..... I have a choice to kill the person next door to me too... but if I do it is called MURDER. Sure women can choose to have an abortion but that does not make that choice according to G-d's Laws.... and G-d's Laws trump any laws on this earth. Anytime one goes against G-d's Laws there is severe consequences.... Maybe that is why there is a high suicide rate among these women who murder their own babies.

The LORD G-d said.... I set before you Life or Death... Blessings or Curses.... You chose!
1 day ago
Heres a tip for you, if you don’t want a child, use a condom or keep your legs closed until you do want a child, then you won’t need an abortion.

I believe the unborn have Rights!

The Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
The Preamble of the Constitution states a purpose of the Constitution to be to: "Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".I Declare the unalienable right of Life to be secured by our Constitution "to ourselves and our Posterity".
Our posterity includes children born and future generations yet unborn.
Any legalization of the termination of innocent life of the born or unborn is a direct violation of our unalienable right to life and should be considered murder.

If a women is shot and killed during pregnancy, why do they charge the perp with double homicide if it‘s not a human being?
1 day ago
Keep your legs crossed an act like a lady, not a slut.
1 day ago
the only choice denied you is murder, same as everyone else.
1 day ago
It's not just murder, it's:
  • A war on the unborn, and on the more vulnerable and helpless in our society
  • A war on the family, and on parental rights and authority (think Democrats supporting having abortion pills handed out like candy to teenaged girls, and leftist Governors like "Any Twosome" Newsom telling girls to keep any abortion secret from their parents)
  • A war on religious liberty and on people of faith (think of Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby)
  • A war on life itself, and on the culture, value and sanctity of life; abortion basically teaches that life is fundamentally cheap, hugely expendable, a dime a dozen, highly disposable, utterly worthless, of absolutely no value whatsoever, and can be easily eliminated if they were to pose so much as the slightest inconvenience to anyone around them
Besides, we all know who REALLY hates women - DEMOCRATS. Think the whole business of forcing biological males onto them in bathrooms, showers, locker rooms and sports competitions. That, and their allowing Afghan throwbacks into this country.
1 day ago
Individual responsibility is a concept you should learn. Don’t take your failings out on the vulnerable who have no voice.
1 day ago
Shut up. YOU don't want women to have any other choice: YOU would FORCE them to have an abortion. To you, "a woman's right to choose" BEGINS and ENDS with abortion, and any other alternative and option (i.e. pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, ultrasounds, neonatal research into life-affirming surgical procedures) are to be ALL eliminated.

And besides, I know what "choice over their own bodies" means: Having the PERFECT body, taut, toned, bikini-ready, slim, not a scar or stretch mark in sight. You favor GENOCIDE BY ATTRITION against white people. You think women should spend all their time club-hopping, partying all night, promiscuous sex around the clock - and in the daytime, obsessing over whether they look their best in Jimmy Choos, Manolo Blahniks, Birkenstocks, Kate Spades, and other designer clothing and accessories (or as Michael Savage put it, "pointy shoes"); in short, an existence more like "Sex and the City" and the execrable "Girls."
1 day ago
You are one selfish, evil bitch.
Donald Pugh
23 hours ago
FOOL! Women still have full command of their lives in Texas and many options: just say no; cross your legs; use birth control; control your libido; have a brain!
1 day ago
Follow the science. The baby has different DNA than you therefore it is NOT your body. It is a completely separate human being.
1 day ago
You do have a choice. You can choose many different types of birth control. How many innocent children do you need to kill?
1 day ago
Democrats- "My body my choice get your laws off my body! I demand the right to murder my own baby until the day its born!"
Also democrats- " Get the shot you idiot your killing people!"
Adam Selene
23 hours ago
Thou Shalt Not Commit Murder !!!
1 day ago
I am all for the vaccine. It was Trump that made it available as fast as it was. Biden, had little to do with it other than take credit. But, mandating it to cops that don't want it when there aint enough cops is not such a great idea.
1 day ago
The Vaccine is very dangerous and it is killing people.... I am a Registered Nurse who has worked Drug Research and we know what these Vaccines are doing to people which is why Nurses all across the United States is refusing to take these Vaccines.... we know this whole fiasco of COVID 19 is nothing but bull shit. It is a strain of the Flu that attacks the lungs.... just like other strains of Flu can cause Pneumonia.... this strain is no different. The Vaccine is not even a vaccine.... it is a mRNA which distorts every cell in your body by manipulating you own RNA. The RNA used in these vaccines is not your own RNA. You don't mess with the DNA or RNA of the cells. It is too dangerous. You will see it not only causes myocarditis, blood clots, allergic reactions and death but eventually it will cause cancer.

When they released this mRNA on the public it had NEVER been tested on human beings and the test that were run on animals proved to be very dangerous .... which is WHY it was never used on humans. Every person including you, have been a test subject.... they have no idea of what this Vaccine will do to people 1 year , 3 yrs or 10 yrs down the road.

Ever drug or vaccine has to go through 4 Stages of Clinical Trials.... each stage has a time period.... for all 4 Clinical Trials to be completed determining if a drug or vaccine is safe takes 5 to 10 YEARS. This vaccine has never passed Legal Clinical Trials..... Plus to release any vaccine or drug on Emergency Approval there has to be NO form of treatment available.... There were multiple proven drug treatments available for this COVID 19 it was just that they were older drugs and more stable drugs that did not COST as much nor could they make the profit this unauthorized vaccine could make for the upper elite and doctors with interest in Big Pharma.

To release any drug or vaccine on people without their knowledge of being tested or that they are guinea pigs.... is AGAINST THE LAW AND THE NUREMBERG CODE (1947)

The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.
This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behavior for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.
This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.

This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.
The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.

The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments
The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.
For more information see Nuremberg Doctor's Trial, BMJ 1996;313(7070):1445-75.

Cite as:
• The Nuremberg Code (1947) In: Mitscherlich A, Mielke F. Doctors of infamy: the story of the Nazi medical crimes. New York: Schuman, 1949: xxiii-xxv.

BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448,
7 December 1996.
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1 day ago
You're right about it being a violation of the Nuremberg Code (1947) - BUT, it is in keeping with the Nuremberg LAWS (1935) which basically shut Jews out of social life in Nazi Germany - and provided for the type of medical barbarism that followed, the aftermath of which and world reaction thereof led to said code.

I myself have a killer immune system to die for, as does my mother. She was urging for both of us to get the "vaccine," but recently she had an episode where she felt horrible yet recovered from it the day later. I think of this, that if we were vaccinated, that episode would have killed her. (And left me with absolutely no immune system whatsoever.) This is what makes this whole business of putting a gun to people's heads to force them to take "the jab" that much more insidious.

That whole business with mRNA is reminiscent to me of another situation - that of a since-deceased neighbor who was an absolute health nut, taking all sorts of supplements to keep up her health. One of which was tryptophan in pill form (as L-tryptophan). Well, at one point in the late 1980's, the Japanese manufacturer was selling a batch which they knew full well was tainted, but did not recall it and let it remain on the market. And what do you know, this neighbor's immune system and entire bodily structure was severely attacked by this batch of pills. She was left in racking pain all the time, practically bedridden, with a bone structure so frail that if she so much as batted an eyelash she risked breaking another bone in her body. She was one of many who later sued the manufacturer and won a settlement, and ultimately died a de facto cripple.

Here's a link about all this - plus that other women had other nasty side-effects from such tainted pills:
1 day ago
Although Trump got the ball rolling, he had no input about how they were to be developed. I doubt he would have approved of the way it was structured. The true term for these should be "Gates / Fauci 'vaccines'," given that the way they're produced are more in accordance with what these devils have in mind.
I would advise them to wait for termination.
That way they can file for wrongful termination.
1 day ago
All police should resign in DemoNazi strongholds and move to Republican districts where you are welcome and supported. Let DemoNazis live in the shit holes they desire.
1 day ago
Publius I have said that from the very beginning..... Strengthen the Red States and let these Blue States live in their own Poop.
1 day ago
Notice Congress, their staff, postal workers, NBA players nor illegals have to get the shot.
People need to start citing the Nuremberg Code. Biden is in violation of it.
The Nuremberg Code promises informed, "voluntary consent of the human subject ... free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion”
Nuremberg Code — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (
1 day ago
Biden and his cabal were going more by the Nuremberg LAWS.
MD Anthony
1 day ago
State by State we will soon be seeing 10's of thousands o Dr's and nurses resigning or being fired - all over "continued employment vs poverty" being the extortion tool placed on the employee by the state.
Felix 1999
1 day ago
Who can honestly blame them?
It's just that lawlessness will get worse.
22 hours ago
Like I said . . . the Nuremberg Laws.
22 hours ago
Yes I read your posts and they were excellent, very complete and on point. 👍
19 hours ago
I try to be, that's for sure. On point, that is.
1 day ago
Jeff Kuhner used to be a history professor at McGill University. I also think he had our heroine on his talk station.
The Marxists have a backup plan.
Sci-Fi Short Film “Slaughterbots” | DUST

1 day ago
Sounds like a leftist damp dream lifted from "Captain America: Winter Soldier", but there are worse places to start.
Adam Selene
23 hours ago
When, in the course of Human events...
Donald Pugh
1 day ago
And it is just the tip of the iceberg to what is rising from the great flood coming!
william carr
8 hours ago
I would have thought that dealing with the public at close quarters every, day they would see it as their duty to be vaccinated, not only for their own protection but that of their families as well. Perhaps these tough guys with guns are scared of a tiny needle. I have been vaccinated twice and did not even feel the needle going in. Absolutely no side effects, and nobody I know has had any either. Giving a blood test is far more uncomfortable.
Aebe mac Gill
13 hours ago
Throw them out, every one.
Does anyone believe we will have an honest election, when the Dims have control of the ballots, control of the counting...
unAmerican, antiAmerica shiites will continue the destruction until we do something about it.
So, throw every democrat out of our Country.


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