Wednesday, September 29, 2021

REPORT: Trucker Blockade Developing, Ohio State Highway Patrol on Notice By Pamela Geller - on September 28, 2021 HOW THE LEFT DESTROYS THE NATION


REPORT: Trucker Blockade Developing, Ohio State Highway Patrol on Notice

Frankly, national strikes are the answer to the fraudulent regime. Peaceful men and women don’t want violence. Disruption.

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REPORT: Potential Ohio Trucker Blockade Developing, State Highway Patrol on Notice

By Daniel G, We Love Trump, September 28, 2021:

Many Americans are fed up with Biden’s sweeping COVID-19 injection mandates.

It’s a gross violation of medical freedom and bodily autonomy.

Biden’s nationwide mandate violated the constitutional rights of 100 million Americans.

Workers in many fields have voiced their outrage over the mandates.

Some groups are prepared to fight for their rights against this dictatorial decree.

Circulating rumors indicate truck drivers have a protest planned in response to the authoritarian COVID-19 mandates.

Named #PatriotShutDown, talks of a trucker protest spread across multiple platforms.

Check it out:

Due to the rumors, Ohio State Highway Patrol was on high alert of the potential protest.

They’re actively monitoring potential blocked highways or “slow rolls.”

We’ve already seen trucker blockades in Australia and circulating rumors of a blockade in Italy due to COVID-19 injection mandates.

FOX 19 Now shared this info:

The Ohio State Highway Patrol said troopers are aware of a possible disruption to the Monday morning commute after various social media posts from truckers threatened to protest on the road.

Various viral posts on social media suggested truckers could cause big issues on the roads Monday beginning at 7 a.m. The posts call for “slow rolls” or complete blockage over mask and vaccine mandates.

Sgt. Christina Hayes with OSHP said they are aware of the possible protest.

“The Patrol is aware and monitoring the situation closely to ensure roadways are safe to travel. For security reasons we cannot go into further detail at this time,” she said.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said their office is aware of the protest planned and said anyone that takes part will be charged with a felony.

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“My office has learned there are plans to shut down the highways, nationwide, on Monday to protest vaccine mandates.

I want to be perfectly clear. Anyone who attempts to shut down the highways in Hamilton County will be removed from their vehicles, charged with felony Disrupting Public Services, and they will go to jail.

To those who claim to be supportive of law enforcement – law enforcement is not with you. This would pose a serious danger for our first responders and the community at large.

I have always been supportive of a citizen’s First Amendment right to protest. But, this is not lawful and it is reckless. It will not be tolerated.”


There’s no sign Monday morning that truckers are staging protests of COVID-19 vaccination and mask mandates by causing disruptions on local highways.

Ohio officials are monitoring things after calls on social media for truck drivers to participate in a “Patriot Shutdown” on Monday.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol is keeping an eye on the situation but saw no sign of a demonstration in the Cincinnati area or elsewhere in the state Monday morning.

“We continue to monitor the situation closely and there are no known issues at this time,” Lt. Nathan Dennis, a spokesman with the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Columbus, said.

Both the Cincinnati Police Department and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office are on alert, officials said Monday morning.

While it doesn’t appear this protest will come to fruition, I don’t expect the fight to end any time soon.



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Mister Proton
22 hours ago
I would advise them not to shut down highways or in any way commit a crime.

They don't have to.

Just park the trucks, legally, en masse. Find legal places to park, and park.

Call in sick. Blue Flu, as the cops call it.

You don't have to get arrested to make your point, and to do it time and again.
Creole Gumbo
9 hours ago
Yes you do have to get arrested to make your point! Go back and look at the Civil Rights Movement. MLK? Rosa Parks? and the list goes on and on.

But the irony of all of this is that the people who are protesting are the ones who generally support the police who are now being used to enforce these outrageous violations of our Constitution. Interestingly, the first line in the Oath taken by law enforcement is to ENFORCE THE US CONSTITUTION. Their first duty is to abide by the Constitution and somehow they seem to have forgotten that nationwide.
Felix 1999
20 hours ago
Protesting is not a crime unless you plan on going a long with only letting BLM and ANTIFA protest and they are violent and destructive. If you don't exercise your rights, you lose them! Remember those "peaceful protests" Trump held for rallies? If this doesn't work, less "peaceful" means will be required and that is a right too! Don't make not protesting our views a precedent and giving the opposition the exclusive right to protest etc...

I question if we are past "peaceful protests" because they don't care about our rights. I have stated my thoughts on this on other posts. No need to repeat it here.
Read this and see what is at stake. If you don't stand on your rights, you will lose them. Leo Hohmann is one of the few honest, investigative journalists out there that dares to write the truth.

Excerpt -

According to the CDC website, Congress granted authority to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which then “delegated” this power to the CDC, to establish quarantine and isolation protocols [i.e. internment camps]. The CDC also claims it has the right to use state and local police to “enforce” these protocols. The CDC makes no bones about the nature of its assumed powers when it states, rather bluntly:

“In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine also are ‘police power’ functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society.”

“The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

“Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states.

“The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

The above quote is bureaucratic lingo for a boot on your face.

The CDC goes on to say:

“Public health authorities at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels may sometimes seek help from police or other law enforcement officers to enforce a public health order.”

I asked constitutional attorney John Whitehead if the CDC’s claim of unilateral authority to operate internment camps is legitimately derived from the U.S. Constitution’s commerce clause. And would this be a legitimate use of police powers?

“Not as the people who wrote the Constitution saw it, but as the people in Congress today see it, and in the courts, yes,” said Whitehead, president and founder of the Rutherford Institute. “The founders wrote the Constitution in such a way as to establish separation of powers, so power would not rest in the hands of any single person or entity — but now it does. All power is in the hands of the deep state.”

CDC claims it has authority to use police to do everything you see going on in Australia; and Congress agrees
We’ve all seen the videos from Australia. Police chasing down and beating a helpless woman, shooting rubber bullets at construction workers who violate that country’s draconian lockdown…
Show More
Felix 1999
20 hours ago
Here is the CDC website - grabbing unConstitutional authority. Where is the GOP on this?

Mister Proton I know, from other postings, you are a polite pacifist but that is just giving in to totalitarianism.
21 hours ago
Mr Proton you have the right to protest .... The reason you protest is to get their attention.... parking on the side of the road DOES NOT GET THEIR ATTENTION....... AGAIN... YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTEST WITHOUT VIOLENCE AND PETITION YOUR GOVERNMENT FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.... 1st Amendment Rights.


YOU NEED TO STUDY YOUR CONSTITUTION AND UNDERSTAND IT. All those BLM protest were much more violent than just blocking a road. You people are going to have to learn how to FIGHT and not be so AFRAID.... FEAR is the Opposite of FAITH...
beverly hemmann
8 hours ago
As long as they are moving, even if it is at 10 MPH, are they breaking the law? Some States do have a posted sign on the interstate highway that if you are going slower than the speed limit, you have to move to the right.
21 hours ago
Protests,..and Riots, are only allowed if you are Democrat WOKE Marxists! If they only block the right lane everyone would understand, or Delaware or NY, Don't block in someone going to the Dotor or work
12 hours ago
felony Disrupting Public Services, and they will go to jail
unless they are Dems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't block the roads please
think of something else.....
9 hours ago
"and they will go to jail" people are about to find out what the Soviet Union or backwoods China was like in the '50s. Other analogies re: the economy include 'stroke out', cardiac arrest, and the like. At this moment there are no warm bodies to replace them and we don't have autonomous trucks yet despite years of research [concept goes at least back to the early '90s]. Maybe we could force non-violent prisoners to be trained and fill them, but then you're talking inexperienced drivers and higher operating costs due to accidents and turnover, etc. The only other possibility is getting drivers from other companies which is simply rearranging the deck chairs and really is not an actual possibility.
9 hours ago
Turnover is what semis do every day in Atlanta.
40 minutes ago
good one....historically a 110% turnover in many cases, but that's not possible nowadays, the job goes unfilled. I was referring to a more catastrophic turnover, such as they could no longer physically/mentally tolerate job, became uninsurable (violations), convicted of disqualifying crimes (felony, etc. so can't go to canada, can't get hazmat, can't pass background check for fed work, etc.), etcetera...
20 hours ago
The state police should be joining them.
It's getting time to choose up sides.
Karl Schmarx
6 hours ago
Good thought. Where is American Federation of Police?
Felix 1999
21 hours ago
It was Michael Savage that spoke to President Trump and got Scott W. Altas on board as an advisor to combat vile Fauci. Dr. Atlas is right or you will have endless plandemics and be at the mercy of these tyrants as they load you up with experimental toxic shots. We should have done this a long time ago ... . You have the right to protest this. Stop giving away your rights and being blind obedient sheeple. Overwhelm them with numbers!

Thought Criminal
8 hours ago
To stand up for truth is nothing. For truth, you must sit in jail.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Thought Criminal
8 hours ago
A truckers strike of 1 day would get headlines, 2 days supply disruption, 3 days shortages, 7 days would probably collapse the economy, 21 days would end this regieme.
beverly hemmann
8 hours ago
It will show the publics' displeasure, but it won't hurt Biden. He has to follow his master's plan, and he will stick to it.
Joe Biden is not incompetent: He is doing exactly what he was hired to do — collapse America
Joe Biden is a man in obvious cognitive decline. But he is not crazy, stupid or incompetent.
Biden knows who he is and for whom he works. He is a stooge for the global Great Reset and he is doing his job exactly as it was assigned to him by his superiors.
His job, in fact the whole purpose of his dubious presidency, is to precipitate the following:
• Collapse the supply chain, the dollar and ultimately the American economy.
• Collapse the American military and embolden enemy forces.
• Collapse the American healthcare system.
• Collapse the American border.
Karl Schmarx
6 hours ago
How about refusing deliveries to DC, NYC? Just a thought.
8 hours ago
While I strongly support the sentiment, this is exactly what the commies shut down the country and the supply chains. As people lose the ability to work, travel, eat and buy stuff they need, they will turn to the government asking for assistance and then your survival will depend on you having the poison life-taking mRNA injections.

I support anyone who does not get these horrid injections, but I think all protesting must be peaceful. For violent protesting, please consult your local blm and aftifa office.
Mr. Turkeychoker
8 hours ago
LOL, we`ll be prosecuted ? Hey, Idiot, we are being prosecuted & suffer daily because of tyrants like you .
Felix 1999
21 hours ago
Now is the time ... or we are left with less peaceful alternatives.

22 hours ago
It’s only your body when you’re a crazed DemoNazi woman who wants to murder a baby.
Felix 1999
23 hours ago
Justice Amy Barrett is a problem ... .

The US Supreme Court on Thursday (August) denied an application for an emergency writ of injunction against Indiana University’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, upholding the rulings of the two lower courts.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett denied the application without seeking response from the university or the state and without referring it for a vote to the full Court.

The plaintiffs argued that because Indiana University’s vaccination mandate encroaches on constitutional rights to bodily autonomy and integrity, it should be subjected to heightened judicial scrutiny and Indiana University should have to prove that its mandate is justified.

According to the application, the students are adults and therefore “entitled to make their own medical treatment decisions, and have a constitutional right to bodily integrity, autonomy, and of medical treatment choice in the context of a vaccination mandate.”

However, the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit already rejected this argument earlier this month, pointing to the relatively limited scope of the mandate and the numerous exemptions it offers. The Seventh Circuit particularly noted that “six of the eight plaintiffs have claimed a religious exception, and a seventh is eligible for it” adding that those who do not want to get vaccinated have the freedom of choice in attending the ample number of other universities that do not require vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.

Indiana University’s vaccination policy requires that all students, faculty, and staff be fully vaccinated or have an approved religious, medical, or ethical exemption before returning to campus.

The lack of referral to the full court and not seeking a response from the university on the emergency injunction application is seen by legal commentators as a sign that the Court does not consider this a “particularly close case.”

Supreme Court upholds Indiana University’s vaccine mandate
The US Supreme Court on Thursday denied an application for an emergency writ of injunction against Indiana University's COVID-19 vaccine mandate, upholding the rulings of the two lower courts. Justice...
I name her amy phony barrett - she played being a conservative well.
Felix 1999
23 hours ago
Stock up on what you need because they are a lifeline on food etc.. I am glad to see them do this. It's visible, makes the news because of its impact and encourages others to do the same. It beats the next alternative ... .
6 hours ago
ben franklin would be surprised we made it this far. if the republic is to continue as a nation of laws and government by the consent of the governed the american people have to do something to stop being rolled over by tanks. there are sacrifices that have to be made that are very uncomfortable that we have to be willing to make. if we like it or if we don't like it.
9 hours ago
“In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine also are ‘police power’ functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society.”

“The federal government derives its authority for isolation and quarantine from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.”

According to today's interpretations (misreading) of the Commerce Clause, the rest of the Constitution is pretty much superfluous wordage. Oh, how many Senators and Representatives, terms of office, organizational details, but for powers, the CC covers it all.

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