Thursday, September 30, 2021

Is Biden's "Build Back Better" really a "zero cost" deal? (nope) YouTube purges site of Anti-Vaxxers and anti-vaccine content Gov Kristi Noem responds to scurrilous rumor she's having an affair Joe Manchin appears to be dug - won't support "fiscal insanity"


September 30, 2021

Aggregated and curated by Mike Opelka

First look:
  • Is Biden's "Build Back Better" really a "zero cost" deal? (nope)
  • YouTube purges site of Anti-Vaxxers and anti-vaccine content 
  • Gov Kristi Noem responds to scurrilous rumor she's having an affair
  • Joe Manchin appears to be dug - won't support "fiscal insanity"

"Build Back Better" is proof there is no free lunch, free roads, etc

HeadlineBiden Claims His Build Back Better Agenda ‘Costs Zero Dollars.’ But There's A Huge Catch

The First take: Mom always said, "The devil is in the details." In this case the details include some pretty hefty tax hikes -- and not just for those evil rich people Democrats always talk about. 

"Prominent" anti-vaxxers and anti-vaccine posts banned from YouTube

HeadlineYouTube is banning prominent anti-vaccine activists and blocking all anti-vaccine content

The First take: So, no anti-Putin stuff and now any anti-vaccine videos will be shown the door at YouTube. We get it... YouTube is a private company and can decide what content it will permit. The big question we have for he massive social media company -- WHO DECIDES?

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SD Gov Noem trashes rumor she's canoodling with Corey Lewandowski

HeadlineNoem denies conservative site's report on affair with Lewandowski: 'A disgusting lie'

The First take: The 2024 election is over 3 years off and some view this kind of personal attack and rumor mongering as an early assault on the character of a possible GOP candidate. If this is about 2024, stay tuned. We predict TMZ is going to be applying for a White House press pass.

Manchin's late night statement has Democrats scrambling 

HeadlineManchin Slams Dem Spending Plan As "Definition Of Fiscal Insanity", Will Not "Reengineer Social Fabric" With 'Vengeful' Taxation

The First take: The good news... this is likely over today. Which way will it go? A month ago we would have bet Senator Manchin would have caved by now. Right now, Las Vegas has this one rated a "toss up." 

Don't miss it:

Congress and the Biden administration have radically ruined America's economy...and in record time. Members of both parties act like there are no consequences for their disastrous and depredated financial schemes. Our elected and unelected officials are plundering the federal coffers, choking you off with soaring taxes and unfettered inflation, and leaving future generations with head-spinning debt. Can we stop them? Mike Slater investigates tomorrow at 11a ET.

Watch live on The First, or on Pluto TV channel 244!

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