The Download

The holy archangels guide and protect us.
September 29, 2021 3 CommentsThe holy archangels guide and protect us.
The Download
The holy archangels guide and protect us.
I really enjoy the subject of angels as you can tell by my online identity. I say the St. Michael prayer and the guardian angel prayer everyday. I had an experience one evening at the vigil mass where as the congregation was singing, I suddenly heard the voices of angels singing above our voices. I was not the only one to hear it as I saw a man two people down from me in the same pew saying, "Oh wow!" I could tell her had heard it too. Beautiful angel voices.
When you think of the "sex education" being taught and students can trans without parental notification from the schools, we are in the final battle of the family.
The Download shines a flashlight into the darkness of each day. I've taken to making notes so that I can bring each issue that you bring up into prayer before the end of the day. Thank you CM for helping us make sense of the spiritual battles that engulf us. St. Michael, protect us against the wickedness of the devil.