5,000 doctors sign 'Rome Declaration' demanding alternative treatments

VATICAN CITY ( - Pope Francis is lamenting the crime of abortion at a Vatican health forum, which, ironically, features a top pro-abortion and pro-transgender doctor and other pro-abort speakers who are weaponizing COVID-19 jabs against safer and cheaper alternatives.

The Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) conference follows the Rome-based Global COVID Summit and the "Rome Declaration," signed by over 5,000 doctors condemning unethical COVID policies — many promoted by the Vatican — as "crimes against humanity."
Addressing the PAV forum Monday, Dr. David O. Barbe, president of the World Medical Association (WMA), trashed reports of "near-miraculous response" to drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as triggering "an explosion" of "misinformation."
Barbe dismissed reports of alternative treatments to the Wuhan virus vaccine as "unsubstantiated or even fraudulent" and as breeding an "avalanche of misinformation and doubt about the validity of the 'science' around those and other evolving treatments."
While insisting that health professionals should "stress the benefits of the vaccine," Barbe blamed so-called vaccine hesitancy on "the global network of misinformation and distortion regarding the risks and benefits of the vaccine."
"The mission of the WMA is to achieve the highest standards in medical education, science, ethics and health care for all people in the world," Barbe, who endorses transgenderism and abortion, told the Vatican forum titled "Public Health in Global Perspective: Pandemic, Bioethics, Future."
Wicked Doctor
While head of the American Medical Association, Barbe backed the inclusion of gender-confused personnel in the U.S. armed forces claiming, "There is no medically valid reason to exclude transgender individuals from military service."
In 2018, Barbe was slammed by pro-life organizations representing over 25,000 physicians for maintaining that doctors who conscientiously object to abortion "may withdraw from the case" only if "the continuity of medical care by a qualified colleague is secured."
In a letter slamming Barbe, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists argued that a pro-life doctor referring a woman for abortion would constitute "formal cooperation" with the act of evil.
Such a referral "places the ... physician in a formal relationship with someone who is going to kill one of the two patients for whom the physician has been charged to provide care," the letter explained.
Barbe also objected "strongly to the [Trump] administration's plan to withhold federal family planning funding from Planned Parenthood and other entities."
In a statement, the physician offered unqualified support for the Title X program ensuring "access to basic, preventive reproductive health care, such as birth control, cancer screenings, STI testing and treatment, and exams."
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood cited Barbe favorably in a 2018 appeal filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
In 2017, the Missouri physician labeled Republicans' attempted "skinny repeal" of the Obama Affordable Care Act as "toxic" and cheered its defeat in the U.S. Senate.
Barbe, who was vice president of regional operations for Mercy of Chesterfield, Missouri, features prominently in the bulletins of the Catholic Health Association of the United States. Mercy is the fifth largest Catholic health care system in the nation.
Pope Francis Decries Culture of Death
On Monday, addressing the three-day Vatican forum, Pope Francis said he grieved over "victims of a throwaway culture," which results in "the waste of children that we do not want to accept" and which "kills them directly with abortion."

While emphasizing a commitment to vaccine equity, the pontiff called abortion "a habit that is very ugly," underscoring that "it is really a murder." Francis asked, "Is it right to eliminate, to take out, a human life to solve a problem? Is it okay to hire a hit man to solve a problem?"
Francis denounced "the law of 'hidden' euthanasia," which shortens the life of the elderly who are provided only half the medicines, due to perceived costs. Catholic academics, universities and hospitals cannot walk the road of "waste," he stressed.
A Troubling Cohort of Speakers
Ironically, the PAV forum is featuring other pro-abortion speakers, like Dr. Daniel Sulmasy, professor of biomedical ethics at Georgetown University. Sulmasy believes that "the question of whether the embryo or fetus is a person ... is not answerable by science."
Speaker Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, director of the Pan American Health Organization, has complained about the disruption to sexual and reproductive health services in developing countries because of the lockdown response to the Wuhan virus crisis.
The "devout" Catholic is passionate about promoting equitable access to health care for lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals.
Vaccine extremist Rabbi Avraham Steinberg, who demonizes conscientious objectors to the jab as "murderers," will deliver a "biblical reflection" at the conference, Church Militant earlier reported.
According to Steinberg, the unborn child has "no human status" before 40 days, and, after 40 days, the unborn child has "a certain status of a human being, not full status."
The current workshop does not feature a single health care professional recommending alternatives to the controversial vaccine. Journalists have asked conference organizer and PAV president Abp. Vincenzo Paglia why the Vatican is only inviting experts on one side of the debate.
The inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology Dr. Robert Malone met Cdl. Peter Turkson earlier this month, warning that the Vatican's moral position in promoting COVID-19 vaccines to serve the "common good" is "sacrificing to a false endpoint" and "based on false information."

"What I shared with Cdl. Turkson were some observations and ideas where it's not only vaccine for everybody or no vaccine [for anybody] because vaccine is bad, but rather a middle-ground position," Malone told Church Militant in an exclusive interview.
Malone addressed the Rome Global COVID Summit Sept. 12–14 along with prominent international medical experts who are challenging the "one size fits all" vaccine strategy funded by Big Pharma and enforced by government coercion.
The Rome Declaration is raising concerns over physicians who are "increasingly being discouraged from engaging in open professional discourse and the exchange of ideas about new and emerging diseases, not only endangering the essence of the medical profession but, more importantly, more tragically, the lives of ... patients."
"The political intrusion into the practice of medicine and the physician-patient relationship must end. Physicians, and all health care providers, must be free to practice the art and science of medicine without fear of retribution, censorship, slander or disciplinary action," the declaration states.