Raging Planned Parenthood chair calls for riots over TX abortion law: ‘Be ready to break some s**t’
The ban prohibits abortions after six weeks which is when a fetal heartbeat is first detected. It also gives anyone in or outside of Texas the right to civilly sue someone who “aids and abets” the termination of a pregnancy after six weeks. The Texas statute is unique in that it empowers private citizens, not the government, to enforce a ban on abortion after six weeks. It makes it very difficult for clinics or other potential challengers to establish standing in a court of law or to locate a single target to sue.
“I mean, what exactly did you all expect?” Love caustically noted. “You’re devastated, but you consistently ignored every single sign. I’ll write something coherent in the morning, but just know that fighting back doesn’t mean p*ssy hats or petitions. Be ready to break some s***.”
“If you went to bed early last night, you’re waking up to news that SCOTUS did not to intervene in Texas, so SB8, a bill that bans abortion at 6 weeks, is now law. If you’re like me, your timelines is awash with folks being all varieties of upset as Roe is essentially done,” Love remarked.
“When SCOTUS agreed to take the Mississippi case, folks in repro knew what it meant for Roe. So did the antis. I’ve been saying for months that Roe is done and we need to build movement around creating a new abortion rights framework, especially b/c Roe is imperfect,” Love contended.
“Then last night happened. I know you’re upset, but we’ve had years to recon with what was coming. So, I’m not broken or deterred. I’m ready to FIGHT BACK! Are you? Then stop being polite about this. Stop speaking in hushed voices. Get some courage and shatter this s*** system!” she tweeted.
“To every person who called me dramatic or I said needed to “give Biden a chance” or “stay in your lane,” I hope your eyes are open now. I hope your ears are open now. And I hope you’re ready to fight to protect abortion in this country. Say it with me–ABORTION!” the abortion advocate railed.
“If you’re not sold on abortion on demand and without apology, then it’s well past time for you to get there. If you need a push, I’m happy to discuss. But if you can’t get on this train, then GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Love angrily proclaimed.
Two top leaders in the Arizona Democratic Party evidently backed Love’s call for riots in response to the Supreme Court’s refusal to intervene in Texas’s abortion ban, according to AZ Free News.
State Representative Daniel Hernandez (D-Tucson) liked her tweet and State Representative Diego Rodriguez (D-Phoenix) retweeted the call for violence. Both of them are running for higher office. Hernandez wants to be the second district’s next congressman. Rodriguez is focused on becoming Arizona’s attorney general.
After blowback on social media, Rodriguez reportedly removed his retweet.
“Anyone perceived to be aiding and abetting an abortion now has a bounty on their head,” stated Planned Parenthood President Alexis McGill Johnson, according to Politico. “The state is empowering vigilantes to enforce a bad law.”
The media also had a collective meltdown over the abortion ban. CNN’s Chief Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin claimed it is the end of Roe vs. Wade. “We have been accused, those of us saying that Roe is about to be overturned, as being Chicken Little the sky is falling,” Toobin remarked and then added for emphasis, “The sky is falling.”
White House press secretary Jen Psaki also called Texas’ Heartbeat Act an “extreme threat” to Roe v. Wade on Wednesday.
While Planned Parenthood, the media, and the White House are enraged by the new law, many support it in Texas and across the nation.
“Starting today, every unborn child with a heartbeat will be protected from the ravages of abortion,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott said in a statement. “Texas will always defend the right to life.”
Others are suspicious of the timing concerning the purported call to riot.
“The call for rioting comes at a suspicious time as Biden’s DOJ is pursuing a punitive investigation against the Phoenix Police for stopping riots, and violent crime continues to surge,” EZAZ.org reported.
There was a celebration on social media over the new abortion ban in Texas and praise for Governor Abbott: